Viewed edge-on (i.e., projected along a diameter) the motion of a particle moving uniformly with angular speed in a circle of radius A is indistinguishable from a particle oscillating harmonically in one dimension with amplitude A and angular frequency
. This fact can be very useful in helping you to remember and apply the parameters of simple harmonic motion.
In the above figure, the position of a particle with angular speed about a circle of radius A is projected onto the vertical diameter. We arbitrarily let the projection be at the center of the diameter at t = 0, and call y the displacement of the projection from the center. Then, at some later time t, the particle will have turned through an angle
, equal to
t, and the projection will have moved a distance
y = A sin t.
Taking the expression for y and differentiating twice with respect to time, we obtain:
dy/dt = A cos
d2y/dt= -2 A sin
By definition, d2y/dt2 is acceleration and 2 is a positive constant. From Newton's second law:
F = m d2y/dt2,
F = -m2 A sin
Therefore, since A sin t = y is the displacement of the projection from the center of the circle, our final equation is
F = -m2 y = -ky,
and the projection moves with simple harmonic motion, with the center of the diameter as the equilibrium position.
The circle of radius A is called the reference circle for the harmonic oscillation of amplitude A.
In the figure above, the period of the motion is the time required for one complete vibration. In this time, then, the projection must move from the center of the diameter, up to a maximum positive displacement, down to a maximum negative displacement, and back to the central point.
In the same time, then, the particle moving with angular speed in a circular path will go just once around the circle. The angle turned through by this particle is 2
rad, and we see, from the definition of angular velocity:
/t, that
= 2
where T is the period of the simple harmonic motion. Also, since the frequency f = 1/T,
= 2
Thus, in our equation x = A sin t, the coefficient of t is 2
f or 2
y1 = -1 cm to y2 = +2 cm?