Insulation is required for the purposes of conservation of heat, maintenance of stabilized process temperatures during atmospheric temperature changes, condensation prevention, burn prevention of personnel or limiting noise levels according to the classification nominated.
Three types of insulation are required : Cold insulation, Hot Insulatinon and Personal Protection. Various types of insulating materials are Mineral Fibres, Cellular Plastics and Cellular Glass. Design life of insulation is around 25 Years. Burn and Freeze protection insulatio required for piping with operating temperature above 54 deg. C or below 10 deg. C
Personal Protection Insulation should be upto 2.1 meters above grade and platform elevation, and 0.6 meters outside the platforms, walkways etc.
Fully insualted personal protection required for lines operating above 200 deg. C. Body and nozzle flanges of Heat Transfer equipments shall not be insulated. All piping and equipment operating with fluid temperatures below 27 deg. C shall be insulated for condensation prevention (“anti-sweat”). Nozzles, components and appurtenances shall be insulated and covered with vapor barrier and weatherproof cladding.
Insulation is applied only after weld testing, pressure testing and painting. Polyurethen Insulation is normally used for Cold Service Insulation.
Rigid Urethen foam can be used upto 100 deg. C Calcium Silicate is used as acaustic insulation. Foam glass can be used upto 260 deg. C
Mineral wool insulation can be used upto 500 dg. C Stainess steel mesh guard at a distance of 32 mm can be used as a Personal Protection. Otherwise Hot or cold insulation can be used.