Guided wave ultrasonic testing detects corrosion damage and other defects over long 33 ft. – 165 ft. distances in piping. A special tool (transducer ring) is clamped around the pipe and transmits guided waves in both directions along the pipe. Reflected signals from defects and pipe features such as welds are received by the transducer ring and sent to the main unit.

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      To inspect sleeved road crossings

      To detect riser soil to air interface losses

      To detect corrosion under insulation

      To detect pipe rack support losses in-situ

      To inspect buried or insulated lines

      Difficult to access locations


      Inspects difficult to access components without extensive excavation or insulation removal

      Portable, battery powered equipment

      Sophisticated software routines help identify and classify pipe signals

      Rigorous operator training and certification with individual electronic keys which activate the system and track its use by each operator

      Embedded reporting software allows the operator to analyze the results and produce a report on the spot


Under good conditions, GWT inspects over 330 ft. in uncoated, straight, gas-filled pipe. Most pipes will have an effective range of between 16 ft – 165 ft. The effective range for guided wave inspection can be inhibited by:

Description: Title: GWT2

Coatings: bitumen wrap and similar heavy coatings cause high attenuation

      Pipe condition: corroded line scatters UT signals and reduces range

      Features such as welds: each weld typically reflects 20% of the signal. Without other limiting factors, six welds set the maximum span

      Bends and ‘T’ junctions: these features distort the signal, one generally cannot test beyond a bend

      Pipe contents: high viscosity liquids or waxy deposits attenuate the signal

      Special soil conditions can cause additional attenuation and are usually associated with wrapped pipe

      Complementary inspection methods are needed to map out and size flaws found with GWT; typically UT and RT are used


      Access to the pipe and removal of about 3.3 ft. length of insulation at each test point

      Surface preparation is usually limited to scraping off loose paint and scale

      At least 3 inch of clearance between pipes to fit the tool

      Pipe surface temperature must generally be below 160 °F although high temperature 644 °F rings are available


Ultrasonic signals are swept over a full frequency range, in both directions from the GWT tool, in a single shot. In addition to faster, more efficient data acquisition, having all the data in a single file makes analysis faster and more certain. Sophisticated processing and analysis software allows trained operators to interpret these signals and report their findings.  Special, wide frequency probes are available for cases such as buried pipe where attenuation is too high over the standard frequency range.

Enhanced Focusing Capability (EFC) rings (pipe 4 inch and above) improve defect characterization and provides colour coded C-scan type maps of the pipe. In effect, the EFC processing focuses on all reflectors over the entire range of the shot. This improves sensitivity as well as making the guided wave data more understandable to the end user.