Noisy Channels

1. Stop-and-Wait Automatic Repeat Request

The Stop-and-Wait Automatic Repeat Request (Stop-and-Wait ARQ), adds a simple error control mechanism to the Stop-and-Wait Protocol. To detect and correct corrupted frames, we need to add redundancy bits to our data frame. When the frame arrives at the receiver site, it is checked and if it is corrupted, it is silently discarded. The detection of errors in this protocol is manifested by the silence of the receiver.

 Sequence Numbers

 The protocol specifies that frames need to be numbered. This is done by using sequence numbers. A field is added to the data frame to hold the sequence number of that frame. For example, if we decide that the field is m bits long, the sequence numbers start from 0, go to 2m - 1, and then are repeated.

 Acknowledgment Numbers

 Since the sequence numbers must be suitable for both data frames and ACK frames, we use this convention: The acknowledgment numbers always announce the sequence number of the next frame expected by the receiver. For example, if frame 0 has arrived safe and sound, the receiver sends an ACK frame with acknowledgment 1 (meaning frame 1 is expected next). If frame 1 has arrived safe and sound, the receiver sends an ACK frame with acknowledgment 0 (meaning frame 0 is expected).


 Figure 2.10 shows the design of the Stop-and-Wait ARQ Protocol. The sending device keeps a copy of the last frame transmitted until it receives an acknowledgment for that frame. A data frames uses a seq No (sequence number); an ACK frame uses an ack No (acknowledgment number). The sender has a control variable, which we call Sn (sender, next frame to send), that holds the sequence number for the next frame to be sent (0 or 1).

 The receiver has a control variable, which we call Rn (receiver, next frame expected), that holds the number of the next frame expected. When a frame is sent, the value of Sn is incremented (modulo-2), which means if it is 0, it becomes 1 and vice versa. When a frame is received, the value of Rn is incremented (modulo-2), which means if it is 0, it becomes 1 and vice versa. Three events can happen at the sender site; one event can happen at the receiver site. Variable Sn points to the slot that matches the sequence number of the frame that has been sent, but not acknowledged; Rn points to the slot that matches the sequence number of the expected frame.

 Example 2.3

 Frame 0 is sent and acknowledged. Frame 1 is lost and resent after the time-out. The resent frame 1 is acknowledged and the timer stops. Frame 0 is sent and acknowledged, but the acknowledgment is lost. The sender has no idea if the frame or the acknowledgment is lost, so after the time-out, it resends frame 0, which is acknowledged.

 Example 2.4

 Assume that, in a Stop-and-Wait ARQ system, the bandwidth of the line is 1 Mbps, and 1 bit takes 20 ms to make a round trip. What is the bandwidth-delay product? If the system data frames are 1000 bits in length, what is the utilization percentage of the link?


The bandwidth-delay product is (1x106)x(20x10-3) =20,000bit  


 In networking and in other areas, a task is often begun before the previous task has ended. This is known as pipelining. There is no pipelining in Stop-and-Wait ARQ because we need to wait for a frame to reach the destination and be acknowledged before the next frame can be sent. However, pipelining does apply to our next two protocols because several frames can be sent before we receive news about the previous frames. Pipelining improves the efficiency of the transmission if the number of bits in transition is large with respect to the bandwidth-delay product.