Capture effect
The capture effect is a scenario illustrating the potential lack of fairness in the exponential backoff algorithm. The unswitched Ethernet must be fully busy, in that each of two senders always has a packet ready to transmit.
Let A and B be two such busy nodes, simultaneously starting to transmit their first packets. They collide. Suppose A wins, and sends. When A is finished, B tries to transmit again. But A has a second packet, and so A tries too. A chooses a backoff k<2 (that is, between 0 and 1 inclusive), but since B is on its second attempt it must choose k><4. This means A is favored to win. Suppose it does.><2 (that is, between 0 and 1 inclusive), but since B is on its second attempt it must choose k<4. This means A is favored to win. Suppose it does.
After that transmission is finished, A and B try yet again: A on its first attempt for its third packet, and B on its third attempt for its first packet. Now A again chooses k<2 but B must choose k><8; this time A is much more likely to win. Each time B fails to win a given backoff, its probability of winning the next one is reduced by about 1/2. It is quite possible, and does occur in practice, for B to lose all the backoffs until it reaches the maximum of N=16 attempts; once it has lost the first three or four this is in fact quite likely. At this point B simply discards the packet and goes on to the next one with N reset to 1 and k chosen from {0,1}.><2 but B must choose k<8 this time A is much more likely to win. Each time B fails to win a given backoff, its probability of winning the next one is reduced by about 1/2. It is quite possible, and does occur in practice, for B to lose all the backoffs until it reaches the maximum of N=16 attempts; once it has lost the first three or four this is in fact quite likely. At this point B simply discards the packet and goes on to the next one with N reset to 1 and k chosen from {0,1}.
The capture effect can be fixed with appropriate modification of the backoff algorithm; the Binary Logarithmic Arbitration Method (BLAM) was proposed in [MM94]. The BLAM algorithm was considered for the then-nascent 100 Mbps Fast Ethernet standard. But in the end a hardware strategy won out: Fast Ethernet supports “full-duplex” mode which is collision-free. While Fast Ethernet continues to support the original “half-duplex” mode, it was assumed that any sites concerned enough about performance to be worried about the capture effect would opt for full-duplex.