Panchakarma Therapies

During the various stages of a Panchakarma detox a variety of treatments will be given. They involve the application of warm, herbalised oil through the medium of massage. Many of the massage therapies last over an hour and are harmoniously administered by two therapists working in tandem, one on either side of the body. The aromatic oils help loosen and dislodge toxins and impurities stored within the deeper tissues.

Massage therapies may be followed by a second treatment; either svedana - a herbal steam therapy which dilates bodily channels and mobilises impurities trapped within them - or Shirodhara which relaxes the mind and pacifies the energy of vata dosha.

The primary oil used in the massage treatment is Sesame oil which has been shown to have powerful anti-carcinogenic, anti-melanoma and antioxidant effects. Its potency is increased by a special ‘curing’ process and by infusing the oil with a decoction of Ayurvedic herbs.

The type of massage selected and the depth and speed of the massage depends on your Ayurvedic constitution (prakruti) or imbalance.

Abhyanga: A full body massage usually administered by two technicians working in perfect synchrony on either side of your body. Warm, herbalised sesame oil is lovingly and soothingly applied in a continuous flowing sequence to relax and balance the physiology. The oil penetrates the pores of the skin and subcutaneous adipose tissues and loosens impurities and toxins which have accumulated there. The massage may last for over an hour depending on the speed and depth chosen to suit your Ayurvedic body-type.

Other benefits:

• Balances all three doshas; vata, pitta and kapha

• Promote flexibility and suppleness

• Increases strength, energy and vitality

• Improves the quality of sleep

• Increases softness and lustre of the skin

• Reduces the signs of aging (rejuvenating)

• Decreases stress, anxiety and fear and balances the mind and emotions

Vishesh: An invigorating sports-type massage with firm, kneading actions to help promote the release of deep-seated imbalances, toxins and impurities. It is especially helpful for soothing sore, tired or aching muscles.

Other benefits:

• Balances all three doshas; vata, pitta and kapha

• Promotes weight loss

• Relaxes the mind

• Lubricates and increases flexibility in the joints

Pizzichilli: A unique relaxation experience – two therapists slowly and gently massage and bathe the body in gallons of warm aromatic sesame oil for up to one hour. Aches and pains, cares and worries are effortlessly released in a continuous flow of liquid golden nectar.

Other benefits:

• Pacifies vata

• Lubricates and thereby alleviates pain and promotes flexibility in the joints

• Alleviates pain and soothes tired, aching or sore muscles

• Moisturises and softens the skin


Udvartana: A fast, vigorous massage with a coarse herbal paste of barley and chickpea flour. It enlivens and energises the body helping promote better digestion, healthier skin and firmer muscle tone.

Other benefits:

• Reduces access ama

• Pacifies Kapha

• Increases circulation to the subcutaneous tissues

• Defoliates and cleanses the skin

• Breaks down fatty deposits and cellulite and helps with weight loss.