Dempster-Shafer Models

This can be regarded as a more general approach to representing uncertainty than the Bayesian approach.

Bayesian methods are sometimes inappropriate:

Let A represent the proposition Demi Moore is attractive.

Then the axioms of probability insist that tex2html_wrap_inline7580

Now suppose that Andrew does not even know who Demi Moore is.



Dempster-Shafer Calculus

The basic idea in representing uncertainty in this model is:

If tex2html_wrap_inline7598 is the set of possible outcomes, then a mass probabilityM, is defined for each member of the set tex2html_wrap_inline7602 and takes values in the range [0,1].

The Null set, tex2html_wrap_inline7606, is also a member of tex2html_wrap_inline7602.

NOTE: This deals wit set theory terminology that will be dealt with in a tutorial shortly. Also see exercises to get experience of problem solving in this important subject matter.

M is a probability density function defined not just for tex2html_wrap_inline7598 but for em all subsets.

So if tex2html_wrap_inline7598 is the set { Flu (F), Cold (C), Pneumonia (P) } then tex2html_wrap_inline7602 is the set { tex2html_wrap_inline7606, {F}, {C}, {P}, {FC}, {FP}, {CP}, {FCP} }


Combining beliefs


whenever tex2html_wrap_inline7670.

NOTE: We define tex2html_wrap_inline7672 to be 0 so that the orthogonal sum remains a basic probability assignment.