
Calibration ensures the accuracy of the tools, and inspection, measuring and test equipment used to return aircraft, engines and components to service. Calibration minimises measurement errors and uncertainties to acceptable level.

For calibration of tools, and inspection, measuring and test equipment, acceptable levels of uncertainty are defined by the tolerance limits of the equipment’s parameters established by the manufacturer. The outcome is maintenance of the equipment within the defined accuracy of the manufacturer’s design tolerances.

Calibration is as defined as : The application of specifically known and accurately measured input to ensure that an item will produce a specifically known output which is accurately measured or indicated. Calibration includes adjustment or recording of corrections as appropriate”.


Options for Calibration

Tools and inspection and test equipment that require calibration must be calibrated by

1. An Accredited Calibration Laboratory; or

2. A Non-Accredited Calibration Laboratory


Calibration Facility or Laboratory

A calibration facility or laboratory can be any person or organisation who tests and/or calibrates measurement devices or working standards, in a controlled environment to ensure repeatability Documented calibration procedures must be used and documented evidence of the traceability of the standards used must be provided.


Acceptable Procedure for Test Equipment

An acceptable procedure is one that has been published or received from the equipment manufacturer. The manufacturer may consider that only certain test equipment is considered as being acceptable to determine the calibration of their equipment. If alternate test equipment is required to be used then either the manufacturer to an appropriate person, qualified in metrology should attest to the use of alternate test equipment. Procedures based on industry standards may need to be developed, accepted and used by a Calibration Laboratory if the manufacturer’s data is not available or sufficient.