Sustainable water utilization

The quality of water is being increasingly threatened by pollutant load, which is on the rise as a consequence of rising population, urbanization, industrialization, increased use of agricultural chemicals, etc. Both the surface and ground water have gradually increased in contamination level. Technological intervention in the form of providing sewerage system for all urban conglomerates, low cost sanitation system for all rural households, water treatment plants for all industries emanating polluted water, etc. has to be made. Contamination of ground water due to over-exploitation has also emerged as a serious problem. It is difficult to restore ground water quality once the aquifer is contaminated. Ground water contamination occurs due to human interference and also natural factors . To promote human health, there is urgent need to prevent contamination of ground water and also promote and develop cost-effective techniques for purifying contaminated ground water for use in rural areas like solar stills.


In summary, the development of water resources potential should be such that in doing so there should not be any degradation in the quality or quantity of the resources available at present. Thus the development should be sustainable for future.