Tourism Management - Supply

“People who spend money on experiences report being happier than those who spend money on objects.”

− Anonymous,

Tourism Management is a complex sector involving a wide range of economic operations. Tourism supply is one of the operations. It is highly reliable on the natural, artificial or man-made, operating, as well as the regulatory components involved in creating the tourism product. The supply elements are geographically confined to a fixed place hence, the stake holding businesses need to provide products and services by putting costs and anticipating promotion of their individual products and revenue.

It influences an entire tour right from starting the tour up to ending it gracefully and satisfactorily. Let us see what it is and what makes it a bundle of tourists’ satisfaction.

What is Tourism Supply?                                                 

The tourism supply of an industry is derived by summing the value of tourism products sold by the tourism industry to the tourists It takes into account accommodation services, food, transport, and other retail sales.

Properties of Tourism Supply

      Tourism supply is perishable (cannot be stored like the products).

      It cannot be examined before one purchases it.

      It is necessary to move from one place to other for its consumption.

      It is geographically fixed at different places.

Components of Tourism Supply

Here are typical components of the tourism supply −


They are the places the tourists perceive as the satisfaction of their leisure-oriented needs.

      Natural AttractionsCaves, canyons, rocks, waterbodies, landscapes.

      Man-Made AttractionsTheme parks, towers, bridges, architecture, temples, mosques, churches, and monuments.

      Cultural AttractionsHistorical sites, monuments, local arts and crafts, local folk core, music and dance.


They are the modes of commuting.

      RoadCar, bus, cycle.

      RailLong distance, high speed, commuter, or intercity trains.

      WaterBoats, ferries, cruises.

      AirCarriers that operate on fixed schedule, Charters that operate as and when required.


They are the mediators.

      Travel AgentsThe business of selling hospitality and tourism products.

      Tour OperatorsThey deal with the operating components for rates.


It is the place the tourists visit. It is composed of −

      AccommodationHotel, motel, lodge, guest house, B&B.

      RestaurantSpecialty restaurants, themed restaurants, branded restaurants such as CCD, KFC, Bistros, and takeaway food joints.

      Tourist FacilitiesPubs, entertainment parks, shopping centers, and casinos.


They include activities the tourists are interested to engage in −

      Adventure SportsMountain biking, bungee jumping, rafting, and other similar activities.

      LeisureBasking on beaches, swimming, dining near waterbody.

      Business ActivitiesAttending seminars, business meetings, promotions.

      Health ActivitiesAttending Yoga sessions, exercising, undergoing naturopathy, and similar such activities.

Categories of Tourism Supply Components

Tourism supply incorporates the following components −

Natural Components

They are mainly the Environmental components. They are the natural elements for visitors’ experience and enjoyment.


      Milieus of the destination

      Flora and fauna

      Natural beauty of destination

Constructed Components

They are the infrastructure and superstructures. They include all surface, underground, and above the ground constructions and facilities.

      Water Supply System

      Cooking gas supply system

      Electric supply system

      Drainage and sewage system

      Rest rooms for sanitation


      Transport hubs

      Parking hubs




      Shopping centers


Operating Components

They are mainly related to the services. They include the work force that is instrumental in imparting excellent experience to the tourists.

      Transport service

      Food service

      Accommodation service

      Service at the places of attraction

Regulatory Components

They are the permitting authorities.

      The public sector − Government policies


      Civil rights authorities


The tourist supply inspires, conducts, and affects the entire tour. If any one of the above given components does not work well, it impedes the experience of the tourists and the tour does not turn out to the tourists’ satisfaction.