The Cool Plane That's Like a Helicopter But It's Also Still a Cool Plane


"This one is a plane but not a super duper huge one like the one we flew in to go to Wisconsin. It's like a little plane but a cool little one like in the Army and the pilot sits in there like with the neat helmet but it also has A BIG SPINNY PART on the top of it like a helicopter and it still the big engines like a plane though so it can go really fast and they're red and if a problem happens in the sky it can like, BLOW UP OR SOMETHING so you can jump out and not get chopped up by the spinny part."

The Giantest Crane Ever That's Super Tall and Just Knocks Stuff Over All the Time

"This one is like a big scooper machine but like 20 times bigger and it's got a long long neck like a big dinosaur but it's not a dinosaur and it doesn't eat plants or leaves off trees—it EATS BUILDINGS and smashes them until they crumble up with a its big red claw. Its big long neck also can move EEE-ERRR-EEEEEE and fold up kinda like a Transformer because its super tall knocking-stuff over part has like TWELVE ELBOWS and also it's blue not yellow like normal because blue is my favorite color."

The Giant Truck With Big Red Spinning Crusher That Eats Rock and Poops It Out the Back


"This one's like a huuuuge truck that's even bigger than my schoolbus and it's got a big trunk like an elephant on the front but it's not actually a trunk its a BIG RED ROBOT ARM WITH SPIKEY WHEELS ON IT and when it's going all GRRRRRRCHCSHSH you can drive it right into a wall and the wall won't stop it because it will just drive right through the wall and chew it all up. It even has a little part at the back where it can poop out the rocks it ate even though the rocks aren't food. It doesn't care, it just poops them out like a poop."

The Biggest Plane You've Ever Seen But Two of Them and They're Smashed Together in the Middle


"This one is like the biggest plane you've ever seen and it has a big wing that's like even bigger and longer than our whole house but there's also TWO OF THEM and they're smooshed together so it's like an EVEN BIGGER DOUBLE PLANE. And it's got like six big engines so it can fly way up into the sky and it's big enough that someday it'll carry a GIANT ROCKET and then the rocket can shoot of into space from the sky where it's closer to space instead of shooting off all the way from the ground like a normal rocket."