What Is Theory of Machines Introduction to mechanisms, velocity and acceleration analysis of mechanisms Kinematic link (or) element Structure Difference between structure & machine Comparison of Mechanism, Machine and Structure Kinematic pair Mechanism Inversion of Mechanism Coupler Curves Inversions of Single Slider Chain Quick return motion mechanisms. Velocity and Acceleration Analysis of Mechanisms Motion of a link Rubbing Velocity at a Pin Joint Acceleration in mechanisms Selection of a Belt Drive Types of Belt Drives Types of Belts Types of Flat Belt Drives Velocity Ratio of Belt Drive Velocity Ratio of a Compound Belt Drive Slip of Belt Length of an open Belt Drive Length of a Cross Belt Drive Power transmitted by a Belt Ratio of Driving Tensions for Flat Belt Drive Determination of Angle of Contact Centrifugal Tension Maximum Tension in the Belt Condition for the Transmission of Maximum Power Applications Exercise Problems CAM Introduction Classification of Cams Terms Used in Radial Cams Motion of the Follower Construction of Cam Profile for a Radial Cam Gear Drive Advantages and Disadvantages of Gear Drive Classification of Toothed Wheels Gears for connecting parallel shafts Gears for connecting intersecting shafts: Neither parallel nor intersecting shafts Terms Used in Gears Gear-Tooth Action Constant Velocity Ratio Conjugate Profiles Forms of Teeth Advantages of Cycloidal gear teeth Systems of Gear Teeth Length of Path of Contact Length of Arc of Contact Contact Ratio (or) Number of Pairs of Teeth in Contact Interference in Involute Gears Backlash Governors Types of Governors Centrifugal Governors Terms Used in Governors Watt Governor Porter Governor Method of resolution of forces Instantaneous centre method Sensitiveness of Governors Hunting Isochronous Governors Stability of Governors Effort and Power of a Governor