H-Plane Tee
An H-Plane Tee junction is formed by attaching a simple waveguide to a rectangular waveguide which already has two ports. The arms of rectangular waveguides make two ports called collinear ports i.e., Port1 and Port2, while the new one, Port3 is called as Side arm or H-arm. This H-plane Tee is also called as Shunt Tee.
As the axis of the side arm is parallel to the magnetic field, this junction is called H-Plane Tee junction. This is also called as Current junction, as the magnetic field divides itself into arms. The cross-sectional details of H-plane tee can be understood by the following figure.
The following figure shows the connection made by the sidearm to the bi-directional waveguide to form the serial port.
This is the scattering matrix for H-Plane Tee, which explains its scattering properties.