The single – woman Homebuyers Guide


The Single Women Homebuyer Guide

Home ownership is one of those things that are associated with certain social beliefs and assumptions. You meet someone, you marry and you get a home. However, a recent study reveals a sufficient demographic shift to an increasing number of single dwellers. Females in particular tend to ditch the conventional track and buy their own place.

For many women getting a home is not simply a purchase; it is a transition from one life stage into another. Homeownership doesn’t only provide a sense of security, comfort and safety, but it is also a symbol of the female’s empowerment. You don’t necessarily need another person to have your own place. A little knowledge of the real estate market and a good agent are enough to turn your dream of home ownership into reality. To help you successfully get through the buying and the moving house process, we’ve put down a number of basic tips and advices.

Make a list

To avoid wondering mindlessly around the real estate world, you need to be fully aware what you want. Otherwise you can easily get swept away by small details and miss on the important stuff. Write down all the features you look for in a house. Be realistic about what you can afford. Once you’re finished, examine your list carefully and pick five things as your top priorities.


Now as you know what type of property you want, you can start looking up different houses. The first place to kickoff your research is online. Do you have any particular place, where you want to live? Take into account the commute time and the access to facilities, shopping areas, etc. The urban environment provides more options for culture and leisure, while the suburban neighbourhoods are more tranquil and have good schools. Currently, you may want to live in the city, but what about 10 years from now? A home is a long-term commitment. You can always sell your property and move to a different place, but the relocation process is time-consuming and stressful.

Think safety

Speaking of location, safety should be your primary concern. Since you will be living on your own, it’s wise to pick a more tranquil neighbourhood. Drive by the area at different times of the day to get a feel of the place. Some areas look perfectly fine during the day, but they change completely during when the sun goes down. Check the crime rates in the neighbourhood and talk to a local policeman.

Budget smartly

The perspective of moving house to your own place may seem very attractive, but you still need to consider your budget. Although you will apply for a loan, you still need to have some cash for the closing costs and the unexpected expenses. First thing you need to do is to meet with a mortgage broker and discuss what you can afford with your singe-person income.
Don’t forget to take a pre-approval. The document verifies that you are suitable for a certain loan and makes you a competitive homebuyer.

Know your costs

The downpayment and the closing costs are just some of expenses of owning a home. You will need to make monthly payments for the loan and cover the maintenance and utility costs. It’s always good to have a little cash stashed away for rainy days.