General Principles of surveying Types of Surveying Classification based upon nature of field: Classification based on object: Classification based on instruments used: Typed of Survey Station Procedure of chain surveying Compass Surveying and How to use a Compass Chain Surveying – Instruments used in Chaining Measurement of Distance with Chains or Tapes Instruments used for chain surveying Advantages and Disadvantages of chain surveying Advantages: Calculation of Areas from offsets to a Base line Compass survey Theodolite survey Levelling and Principle of leveling Plane table survey Ranging Out Survey Lines Direct Ranging Indirect Ranging Incorrect Chain in Surveying – Error & Correction Errors in Chain Surveying – Types and Causes Bearing in Surveying Fore Bearing and Back Bearing in Surveying How To Calculate True Bearing From Magnetic Bearing Magnetic Bearing Magnetic Bearing in Compass Surveying Base Line Measurement Method In Survey How to measure Baseline Methodology