Base Line Measurement Method In Survey

Base Line Measurement Method

In surveying procedures such as traversing, triangulation, trilateration, and setting out, baseline measurement is very important. The base line is the most critical line in triangulation and is measured very precisely. This is due to the fact that the accuracy of triangulation is determined on the accuracy of the triangle sides derived from the base line.

The base line measurement, in addition to being a complement to angle measurement in triangulation, can also be used to define the scale of triangulation.

What is Baseline ?

The line on which the framework of the survey is built is known as the base line. The base line is the most essential line of the survey, and it is usually the longest of the main survey lines and lies fairly in the middle of the ground contributing to triangles as a reference line. This line should be drawn on very level ground and measured very carefully and precisely.

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What is Triangulation?

Triangulation is nothing but the system consists of a lot of interconnected triangles in this method, knowing the length of one side and three angles, the length of other two sides of each triangle can be computed.

Selection of Baseline Site

The following points should be remembered during the selection of base line site:

  1. The location is chosen in such a way that the main surveying principle is strictly followed.
  2. The station points on site is inter visible.
  3. The terrain is somewhat flat, consistently sloped, or softly undulating.
  4. The site is selected that well-conditioned triangles is formed.
  5. The longest of the main survey lines is the base line.
  6. The main survey lines run near the boundary line of the area surveyed.