Indirect Ranging

Indirect ranging is employed when the two points are not intervisible or the two points are at a long distance. This may be due to some kind of intervention between the two points. In this case, the following procedure is followed.

As shown in figure-3, two intermediate points are located M1 and N1 very near to chain line by judgment such that from M1, both N1 and B are visible & from N1 both M1 and A are visible.

Indirect Ranging

Fig.3. Indirect Ranging

At M1 and N1 two surveyors stay with ranging rods. The person standing at M1 directs the person at N1 to move to a new position N2 as shown in the figure. N2 must be inline with M1B.

Next, a person at N2 directs the person at M1 to move to a position M2 such that it is inline with N2A. Hence, the two persons are in points are M2 and N2.

The process is repeated until the points M and N are in the survey line AB. Finally, it reaches a situation where the person standing at M finds the person standing at N in line with NA and vice versa. Once M and N are fixed, other points are fixed by direct ranging.