Supply Chain Network Design & Contributing Factors

Designing Supply Chain Network for each industry or business involves arriving at a satisfactory design framework taking into all elements like product, market, process, technology, costs, external environment and factors and their impact besides evaluating alternate scenarios suiting your specific business requirements. No two supply chain designs can be the same. The network design will vary depending upon many factors including location and whether you are looking at national, regional or global business models.

  1. Supply Chain Network in Simple and basic Terms Involves determining following process design:



Finished Good

All above decisions are influenced and driven by Key Driver which is the Customer Fulfillment.

  1. Designing Supply Chain Network involves determining and defining following Elements:
  2. Network Design aims to define:
  1. Network Design also examines:
  2. Some of the key factors that affect the supply chain network modeling are:

Supply Chain Network designs not only provide an operating framework of the entire business to guide the managements, they also examine the structure from strategic view point taking into account external influences, interdependencies of all processes and critically evaluate opportunities to maximize profitability.