What are the advantages of Finite Element Method

Finite Element Analysis allows you to solve any engineering problem. This means you can verify a product/structure without any prototypes! Also, FEA allows for a great presentation of outcomes, making your reports look super professional. Finally, mastering FEA have an incredibly positive impact on your career!

Solving the unsolvable!

There is one huge advantage of Finite Element Analysis. You can reliably solve problems with it that are impossible to calculate otherwise. But before we get into that, let’s deal with something I hear all the time:

I think it’s reasonable to divide engineering problems into several categories:

Where FEA shines?

If you are mostly solving the simplest problems FEA won’t give you much. My experience is, however, that people rarely do the simple stuff anymore. We tend to optimize everything so much, that we are encountering new problems all the time. Meaning that even the simple tasks become more and more complicated, and require advanced design approach, to obtain the desired level of optimization.

But I think that gold is somewhere else! If you are working with projects that can’t be calculated accurately, or the calculations take way too much effort… you will love FEA! It’s a tool that gives you the edge. Instead of guessing or wasting time on long mathematical procedures, you can do your FEA analysis. It will show you how the stress will be distributed in your model, and you won’t have to guess anymore. Not to mention other analysis that can inform you about vibrations, buckling and so much more!

FEA will also allow you to see where stresses will concentrate on your model and how badly! Try to learn the same with hand calculations!

FEA at a higher level

When you learn enough about FEA there is another level you can unlock. That is obtaining the actual failure mode of your model!

Before we get all excited here, let me tell you that this actually requires quite some learning.

You won’t do it overnight… but it’s doable for sure! I would estimate that with proper guidance and some practice you can get there within several months, maybe up to 1-2 years depending on what you want to do. Even here, there are more and less difficult things! Let me just tell you, that I learned this with trial and error (and sadly I mean it literally!). It took me 5 years to “get somewhere”. But this also shows that it’s doable even without ay external resources! Just don’t dive too deep into mathematics of this all… this won’t help you on the way!

This level is where the fun happens for sure! First of all, you are treated as an expert, and you earn like one I guess. I admit that when I was starting this was what motivated me. Funny enough it was more about the “expert” rather than “money” for me… I guess I’m weird like that!

Now I see things differently, sure being considered “an expert” and making a buck is great… but I also get to help a lot of folks! I also get to choose with whom I work (I admit that I resigned from some work as I didn’t like the people…). It’s such a great feeling to meet with people you like and help them out in their business! And there are plenty of ways you can help them! The most important are: