Confining business environment to uncontrollable external factors, it may be classified as Economic environment; and Non-economic environment. The economic environment includes economic conditions, economic policies and economic system of the country. Non-economic environment comprises social, political, legal, technological, demographic and natural environment. All these have a bearing on the strategies adopted by the firms and any change in these areas is likely to have a far-reaching impact on their operations. Let us have a brief idea about each of these areas of business environment.

Economic environment
The survival and success of each and every business enterprise depend fully on its economic environment. The main factors that affect the economic environment are:

a.       Economic Conditions: The economic conditions of a nation refer to a set of economic factors that have great influence on business organisations and their operations. These include gross domestic product, per capita income, markets for goods and services, availability of capital, foreign exchange reserve, growth of foreign trade, strength of capital market etc. All these help in improving the pace of economic growth.

b.      Economic PoliciesAll business activities and operations are directly influenced by the economic policies framed by the government from time to time. Some of the important economic policies are:

i.            Industrial policy

ii.            Fiscal policy

iii.            Monetary policy

iv.            Foreign investment policy

v.            Export –Import policy (Exim policy)

The government keeps on changing these policies from time to time in view of the developments taking place in the economic scenario, political expediency and the changing requirement. Every business firm has to function strictly within the policy framework and respond to the changes there in.