The Importance of Setting Business Objectives

If you don't know where you're going, how will you get there? The first question a small business owner should ask himself is: "What is my vision for the company?" How many employees will it have? How much profit should the business make? How much does it need to sell to make those profits?

Visualize the Goals

The answers to all of these questions become the goals of a business. These goals are the pillars of what a business owner wants his company to look like. They are his long-terms visions. The challenge is how to convert these dream-like visions into realities. That's where the objectives come in.

Set the Objectives

Quite often, long-term goals become useless blather in the minds of employees about the direction of the company. They are discussed maybe once each year at the annual company dinner. But these goals don't have teeth, and they don't say anything about how they would be accomplished.

An owner says he wants to increase profits and share more of the company's wealth with the employees. Great idea! But what, specifically, must employees do to make that happen? Answer: The owner must construct objectives and share them with the employees.

Objectives are guideposts with specific action-steps on the roadmap to achieving the long-term goals of the owner. They lay out the specifics and tell each employee what his/her responsibility is in achieving the company's ultimate goals.

How to Create Objectives That Work

Effective objectives that help everyone achieve a company's goals follow the SMART outline:

      Specific: Objectives assign direct responsibility and are clear.


      Measurable: The progress while working on the objectives must be measurable. There must be regular reporting to management and employees about where they stand in their progress toward achieving the objectives


      Attainable: Employees must believe they can accomplish the objectives; otherwise, they will not even try.


      Relevant: Objectives must align with the goals of the company. Each objective should be a piece of the puzzle that makes up the steps of the company's direction.


      Timely: Objectives must have a time limit. Without a time constraint, employees will relax their efforts and not work on their responsibilities with any sense of urgency.


Importance of Objectives

Goals describe where the owner wants the company to go; objectives define how to get there. Businesses that do not identify their long-term goals and do not create working objectives, will grow and develop more slowly than other companies, if they grow at all.

Objectives are important to communicate and assign responsibilities of performance to employees.