Automata Theory Deterministic Finite Automaton Non-deterministic Finite Automaton NDFA to DFA Conversion DFA Minimization Regular Expressions Moore and Mealy Machines Regular Sets Designing Finite Automata from Regular Expression (Set 1) Proving Languages not to be Regular Closure properties of Regular languages DFA Minimization Introduction to Grammars Language Generated by a Grammar Classification of Context Free Grammars Context-Free Languages and Parse Trees Ambiguity in Context-Free Grammars Introduction of Pushdown Automata Construct Pushdown Automata for given languages Pushdown Automata Acceptance by Final State Difference between Pushdown Automata and Finite Automata Deterministic Pushdown Automata Normal Forms of Context-Free Grammars CFL Closure Property CFG Simplification Pumping Lemma for CFG Turing Machine Pushdown Automata & Parsing Accepted Language & Decided Language Multi-tape Turing Machine Multi-track Turing Machine Non-Deterministic Turing Machine Semi-Infinite Tape Turing Machine Linear Bounded Automata Undecidable Languages