For ‘E’


The pluripotent stem cells in animals at the very early embryonic development. They have the potential to grow into a complete adult organism.


Tiny droplets of one liquid floating in another liquid, such as oil droplets floating in water.


Fissures that are parallel in trend to each other, but offset to either the left or right.

ENDEMIC   :   

Describing a disease or characteristic commonly found in a particular region or group of people; a disease constantly present at low levels in an area.


Chemical pollutants that have the potential to substitute for, or interfere with, natural hormones.


The process of absorption of molecules present outside the cells by the method of engulfment with the cell membrane is known as endocytosis. EXTREMOPHILES   :   

Microorganisms belonging to the domains Bacteria and Archaea that can live and thrive in environments with extreme conditions such as high or low temperatures and pH levels, high salt concentrations, and high pressure.

ENERGY   :   

The name given to the ability to do work.

EOLIAN   :   

Related to wind deposits and associated effects.


The science that deals with the incidence and distribution of human disease or disorders.


The study of the inheritance and regulation of gene expression that is independent of the DNA sequence of an organism, but depends on the structural modification of chromosome regions. These modifications can alter the phenotype without having to change the genotype proper.