For ‘W’
WALKER CIRCULATION : An atmospheric circulation of air at the equatorial Pacific Ocean, responsible for creating ocean upwelling off the coasts of Peru and Ecuador. This brings nutrient-rich cold water to the surface, increasing fishing stocks. |
WATERSHED : The area of land that drains into a lake or stream. |
WESTERN BLOT : The process to detect specific proteins in a sample of tissue extract by gel electrophoresis is known as Western Blot. |
WHITE DWARF : A whitish star of high surface temperature and low intrinsic brightness with a mass approximately equal to that of a Sun but with a density many times larger. |
WHITE LIGHT : The light that can be seen by the human eye that is made up of seven colors is known as white light. |
WOCK : Hard, inanimate object that you throw at a wabbit. |
WORK : The movement of an object due to pushing or pulling is called work. There is increase in energy of the object due to work. |