For ‘T’
TROPHIC LEVEL : A feeding level within a food web. | |
TROPOSPHERE : The lower regions of a planetary atmosphere where convection keeps the gas mixed and maintains a steady increase of temperature with depth. Most clouds are in the troposphere. | |
TRYPSIN : The proteolytic enzyme that hydrolyzes peptide bonds present on the carboxyl end of the amino acids arginine and lysine is known as trypsin. | |
TUFF : The general term for consolidated pyroclastic debris. | |
TUMOR : The abnormal growth of cells that causes swelling or lesion is known as tumor. A tumor can be malignant or benign. One should not confuse cancer with tumor as cancer means malignant. | |
TURBINE : A device with a rotor turned by a moving fluid, such as water, steam, gas, or wind. A turbine changes kinetic energy (energy of movement) into mechanical energy (energy in the form of mechanical power). | |
TYMPANIC MEMBRANE : The thin membrane separating the inner ear from the middle ear is known as tympanic membrane or eardrum. | |
TYPHLOSOLE : The internal fold of the intestine's inner wall is known as typhlosole. | |