For ‘N’


A natural resource such as coal or mineral ores that is not replaceable after its removal.


A major disturbance of the atmospheric circulation and climate of the North Atlantic-European region, linked to a waxing and waning of the dominant middle-latitude westerly wind flow during winter.The NAO Index is based on the pressure difference between various stations to the north (Iceland) and south (Azores) of the middle latitude westerly flow. It is, therefore, a measure of the strength of these winds.


The procedure where RNA fragments are transferred from an agarose gel to a nitrocellulose filter. This is where the RNA is hybridized to a radioactive probe. This procedure is also known as Northern Hybridization.

NOVA   :   

A sudden increase in the brightness of a star by a factor of more than hundred is known as nova.


The branch of science that studies the nucleus of an atom is known as nuclear physics. It is a subfield of quantum physics.


The enzymes that degrade the DNA/ RNA molecules are known as nuclease. The nuclease enzymes cleave the phoshodiester bonds that link adjacent nucleotides of a DNA / RNA molecule.


The collective name for DNA and RNA molecules found in every cell. The genetic component of cells (DNA, RNA polymers), but also important for cellular energy metabolism, signaling, and protein biosynthesis (RNA, single nucleotides).

NUCLEIN   :   

It is the material described by Friedrich Miescher he discovered in cells in 1869, now known as DNA.


Molecules that can be used by cells or living organism to extract energy through metabolic processes. Although nutrients are often sought off only as energy providers, they can also be used as molecular building block for the biosynthesis of cellular structures.