For ‘M'

METEOR   :   

The luminous phenomenon seen when a meteoroid enters the atmosphere, commonly known as a shooting star.


A group of meteors that are seen in the same part of sky and which occur over a period of few days or few hours is known as meteor shower.


A part of a meteoroid that survives through the Earth's atmosphere.


A small rock in space.


Natural formations consisting of mounds of icelike material on or just below the sea floor containing large amounts of methane trapped within a lattice of icelike crystals.


A microarray is an experimental platform used to study the presence or activity of a full set of genes or proteins found in a cell or organism. When studying the presence of genes, the microarray (DNA microarray) is used for genotyping, i.e., assessing the full genetic complement of an organism as compared to a closely related organism.


The branch of science that studies the life cycle and effects of microscopic organisms on the environment and other living creatures is known as microbiology.


The bacterial colonies found in the large intestine. These bacteria are important for proper digestion and fecal excretion of waste products. Micronutrients Vitamins or Minerals that are needed in daily amounts up to a few milligrams.


When in space, the near-weightlessness experienced by a person or object in free fall is known as microgravity.


When living organisms move from one biome to another. It can also describe geographic population shifts within nations and across borders.


MILKY WAY   :   

Our galaxy is observed as a misty band of light stretching across a night sky due to which it is known as milky way. There are one hundred million stars in our milky way.

MIMICRY   :   

Evolving to appear similar to another successful species or to the environment in order to dupe predators into avoiding the mimic, or dupe prey into approaching the mimic.


Another term used for asteroids.

MODEM   :   

The change of data from digital, that is, computer language, into analog, that is phone line language, and then turning back into digital is known as a Modems. Modem is made by joining two words, 'Mo'dulation and 'De'modulation.


The science of studying the genetic composition and mechanism of living organisms at the molecular level. It historically refers to the understanding and manipulation of genes (DNA). The molecular studies of all other organic molecules like proteins, fats, and carbohydrates is called biochemistry.


One of the basic units of matter. It is the smallest particle into which a substance can be divided and still have he chemical identity of the original substance.


The product of mass and velocity is known as momentum. In other words, it is the measure of motion is a moving object.


The growing of a single plant species over a large area.

MONS   :   

A mountain.


A 1987 international agreement, subsequently amended in 1990, 1992, 1995, and 1997, that establishes in participating countries a schedule for the phaseout of chloroflourocarbons and other substances with an excessive ozone-depleting potential.



The loss of members of a population through death.


The process through which the genetic information of an organism is changed naturally or experimentally by using chemicals or radiation is known as mutagenisis.


Refers to an interaction between two or more distinct biological species in which members benefit from the association. Describes both symbiotic mutualism (a relationship requiring an intimate association of species in which none can carry out the same functions alone) and nonsymbiotic mutualism (a relationship between organisms that is of benefit but is not obligatory: that is, the organisms are capable of independent existence).