Ocean Technology


More than 70 percent of the Earth’s area is covered by water (water in Oceans) and it is a great source of energy – the next generations’ energy.

On the other hand, the resources on the land part is getting exhausted; therefore, the dependency towards oceanic resources is increased. So, in order to exploit the oceanic energy, advanced technology is being developed.

Description: Oceanic Resources

Types of Oceanic Resources

Following are the major types of oceanic resources −

·        Placer Minerals − It includes gold, diamond, platinum, tin, etc.

·        Granular Sediments − It includes carbonate rich sand, quartz and shell.

·        Hydrothermal Minerals − It includes copper, zinc, lead, etc.

Besides these minerals, an ocean is a storehouse of many other resources such sea food, oceanic wave energy, tidal energy, etc. In order to harness these resources, advanced technology is required which is now being developed.

Energy Harnessing Technology

Following are the different energies in the oceans that require technology for harnessing −

Ocean Thermal Energy

·        With the help of technology, energy is created from the warm water of the ocean. This technology is known as Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion or simply OTEC.

·        In OTEC, the water temperature difference is used to run turbine generator that ultimately produces electricity.

·        Such energy generation technology is environmental friendly and at the same time fulfills the energy requirement.

Tidal Energy

·        The rise and fall of sea water is largely because of gravitational force of sun, moon and earth, is known as tide.

·        The difference between the low and high tide is known as tidal range.

·        Technology has been developed to convert the tidal power into electricity.

·        In India, a tidal power plant has been set up at the Gulf of Kutch region (Gujarat).

Description: Wave Energy

Wave Energy

·        Oceanic waves carry a lot of energy with them.

·        Different technologies are being used to convert oceanic wave energy into electricity.

·        However, the oceanic wave energy cannot be converted in electric energy, as it does not have that potential, but between 400 and 600 latitudes, wave energy can be harnessed.

Current Energy

·        The consistent movement of oceanic water in a particular direction, is known as oceanic current.

·        The above map shows different types of oceanic current.

·        Not all but some oceanic current are pretty capable of producing electric energy. For example, the Gulf Stream along the east coast of the United States.

Description: Ocean Current

Specific technologies help in taping energy from oceanic current.