
Routing is the process of finding the best path for traffic in a network, or across multiple networks. The role of routing is similar to the road map for a hotel. In both cases, we need to deliver messages at proper location and in an appropriate way.

Routing in a mobile ad-hoc network depends on many factors such as:

·         Modeling of the topology,

·         Selection of routers,

·         Initiation of a route request,

·         And specific underlying characteristics that could serve as heuristics in finding the path effectively.

In a MANET, each node or device is expected to serve as a router, and each router is indistinguishable from another in the sense that all routers execute the same routing algorithm to compute paths through the entire network.

Need for Routing

There are following needs for routing:

·         Since centralized routing in a dynamic and even for small networks is impossible therefore routing computation must be distributed.

·         Route computation should not add many more nodes.

·         If any host demands for the route, they must have quick access.

·         Maintenance of a global state should not involve in the route computation.

·         Each node should care about their destination node to its route and should not be involved in frequent topology updates for those portions of the network that have no traffic.

·         Since broadcast can be time consuming for MANETs, it must be avoided as much as possible.

·         In routing there must have a backup route when the primary route has become stale.

Routing Classification

Routing protocol can be classified as:

  1. Proactive Protocol
  2. Reactive Protocol
  3. Hybrid Protocol

1. Proactive Protocol

Proactive protocols attempt to evaluate continuously the routes within the network. It means proactive protocol continuously maintain the routing information, so that when a packet needs to be forwarded, the path is known already and can be immediately used. The family of distance vector protocols is an example of proactive scheme.

The advantage of the proactive schemes is that whenever a route is needed, there is negligible delay in determining the route.

Unfortunately, it is a big overhead to maintain routing tables in the MANET environment. Therefore, this type of protocol has following common disadvantages:

·         Requires more amounts of data for maintaining routing information.

·         Low reaction on re-structuring network and failures of individual nodes.

2. Reactive Protocols

Reactive protocols do not maintain routes but invoke a route determination procedure only on demand or we can say reactive protocols build the routes only on demand. Thus, when a route is required, some sort of global search procedure is initiated. The family of classical flooding algorithms belongs to the reactive protocol group. Examples of reactive ad-hoc network routing protocols include ad hoc on demand distance vector (AODV) and temporally ordered routing algorithm (TORA).

These protocols have the following advantages:

·         No large overhead for global routing table maintenance as in proactive protocols.

·         Reaction is quick for network restructure and node failure. 
Even though reactive protocols have become the main stream for MANET routing, they still have the following disadvantages:

·         Latency time is high in route finding

·         Excessive flooding can lead to network clogging.

3. Hybrid Protocols

Hybrid protocols attempt to take advantage of best of reactive and proactive schemes. The basic idea behind such protocols is to initiate route discovery on demand but at a limited search cost. One of the popular hybrid protocols is zone routing protocol (ZRP).

Routing protocols may also be categorized as follows:

  1. Table-driven protocols
  2. Source initiated on -demand protocols

1. Table-driven routing protocol

The table driven routing protocols are categorized as follows:

Destination - sequenced distance vector routing


For example the routing table of Node A from the above network is:


Next Hop

No. of Hops

Sequence no.

Install time
















Basically the table stores description of all possible paths reachable by node A, along with the hop, number of hops, sequence number and install time.



Cluster Head gateway switch Routing


Wireless routing protocol (WRP)

The wireless routing protocol is a proactive unicast routing protocol for MANETs. It uses an enhanced version of the distance vector routing protocol, which uses the Bellman - Ford algorithm to calculate paths.

For the wireless routing protocol (WRP) each node maintains 4 tables:

Each entry in the message retransmission list has a sequence number of the update message, a retransmission counter, an acknowledgment required flag vector with one entry per neighbor, and a list of updates sent in the update message. When any node receives a hello message from a new node, it adds the new node to its routing table and sends the new node a copy of its routing table. A node must send a message to its neighbors within a certain time to ensure connectivity.



2. Source initiated on -demand protocols

The source initiated on demand routing is categorized as follows:

Ad hoc on demand distance vector routing (AODV)


The above figure illustrates the propagation of the broadcast request (RREQs) across the network. Since in DSDV, destination sequence numbers are used to ensure that all routes are loop free and contain the most recent route information. Each node has a unique sequence number and a broadcast ID, which is incremented each time the node, initiates RREQ.

The broadcast ID, together with the IP address of node, uniquely identifies every RREQ.

Intermediate mobile reply only if they have a route to the destination with a sequence number greater than or at least equal to that contained in the RREQ. To optimize the route performance, intermediate nodes record the address.


From the above figure, since RREP (route reply packet) travels back on the reverse path, the nodes on this path set up their forward route entries to point to the node from which RREP had just been received. These forward route records indicate the active forward route. The RREP continues traveling back along the reverse path till it reaches the initiator of the route discovery. Thus, AODV can support only the use of symmetric links.

Dynamic Source Routing (DSR)