Launching Orbits

Satellites may be directly injected into low-altitude orbits, up to about 200 km altitude, from a launch vehicle. Launch vehicles may be classified as expendable or reusable. Typical of the expendable launchers are the U.S. Atlas-Centaur and Delta rockets and the European Space Agency Ariane rocket. Japan, China, and Russia all have their own expendable launch vehicles, and one may expect to see competition for commercial launches among the countries which have these facilities.

Until the tragic mishap with the Space Shuttle in 1986, this was to be the primary transportation system for the United States. As a reusable launch vehicle, the shuttle, also referred to as the Space Transportation System (STS), was planned to eventually replace expendable launch vehicles for the United States (Mahon and Wild, 1984).

Where an orbital altitude greater than about 200 km is required, it is not economical in terms of launch vehicle power to perform direct injection, and the satellite must be placed into transfer orbit between the initial LEO and the final high-altitude orbit. In most cases, the transfer orbit is selected to minimize the energy required for transfer, and such an orbit is known as a Hohmann transfer orbit. The time required for transfer is longer for this orbit than all other possible transfer obits.

Assume for the moment that all orbits are in the same plane and that transfer is required between two circular orbits, as illustrated in Fig. 3.10. The Hohmann elliptical orbit is seen to be tangent to the lowaltitude orbit at perigee and to the high-altitude orbit at apogee. At the perigee, in the case of rocket launch, the rocket injects the satellite with the required thrust into the transfer orbit. With the STS, the satellite must carry a perigee kick motor which imparts the required thrust at perigee. Details of the expendable vehicle launch are shown in Fig. 3.11, and of the STS launch in Fig. 3.12. At apogee, the apogee kick motor (AKM) changes the velocity of the satellite to place it into a circular orbit

in the same plane. As shown in Fig. 3.11, it takes 1 to 2 months for the satellite to be fully operational (although not shown in Fig. 3.12, the same conditions apply). Throughout the launch and acquisition phases, a network of ground stations, spread across the earth, is required to perform the tracking, telemetry, and command (TT&C) functions.

Velocity changes in the same plane change the geometry of the orbit but not its inclination. In order to change the inclination, a velocity change is required normal to the orbital plane. Changes in inclination can be made at either one of the nodes, without affecting the other orbital parameters. Since energy must be expended to make any orbital changes, a geostationary satellite should be launched initially with as low an orbital inclination as possible. It will be shown shortly that the smallest inclination obtainable at initial launch is equal to the latitude of the launch site. Thus the farther away from the equator a launch site is, the less useful it is, since the satellite has to carry extra fuel to effect a change in inclination. Russia does not have launch sites south of 45°N, which makes the launching of geostationary satellites a much more expensive operation for Russia than for other countries which have launch sites closer to the equator.

Prograde (direct) orbits (Fig. 2.4) have an easterly component of velocity, so prograde launches gain from the earth’s rotational velocity. For a given launcher size, a significantly larger payload can be launched in an easterly direction than is possible with a retrograde (westerly) launch. In particular, easterly launches are used for the initial launch into the geostationary orbit.

The relationship between inclination, latitude, and azimuth may be seen as follows [this analysis is based on that given in Bate et al. (1971)]. Figure 3.13a shows the geometry at the launch site A at latitude l (the