Hazard Identification Methods

 it could be any situation, substance, activity, event, or environment that could cause injury, ill health or death to a worker or other people in the workplace. Health and safety legislation requires you to be proactive in identifying and controlling hazards before they cause actual harm to anyone. Your aim should always be to be proactive – reactive hazard identification processes such as identifying the cause of an injury after it has occurred, are less effective and have failed to prevent the workplace incident. They can also be costly if courts impose penalties

 10 proactive hazard identification methods

Here are a few examples of methods you could adopt to identify health and safety hazardsbefore an incident occurs:

Remember that a workplace is any place that a worker carries out a work task for your business, so even when your workers are offsite or travelling on business, for example, you need to be sure that they are not exposed to health and safety risks.