1.      The safety and health of all employees is one of the prime concerns of the company.

2.      The Occupational Safety and Health Policy of the company is to serve as an instrument for creating awareness about safe and healthy work practices and for maintaining safety and health consciousness among the employees at all levels of the organization.

3.      All the main units and supportive units of the company will adopt technology for manufacturing, handling and disposing off all the substances safely witout creating unacceptable risk to equipment, human health or the environment

4.      The company will adopt own safety and health standards where law/ regulations may not be available or protective enough to prevent hazards.

5.      Every employee of the company will be required to adhere to the policy both in letter and in spirit.

6.      The company shall comply strictly with all relevant Acts, Laws, Rules Regulations of the State and Central Governments.

7.      The company shall impart training in health safety and occupational heal to all employees so that the employees are enables to possess the require knowledge, information and understanding to carry out the responsibility of their jobs without endangering themselves, other employees, plat equipment, environment and products.

Management will have all authority to take recourse to action for violation statutory provisions on safety and health as well as the rules and procedure framed for the purpose in accordance with Standing Orders or rules framed  for this purpose