5 dimensions to include in your safety budget

Safety Role in Companies Performance

The safety of employees/workforce is an important element in the performance of any company.

So never compromise on the quality of the PPE’s, Machinery, Tools & Equipment’s that are being used by employees/workforce only because of the cost involved in it.

To put on a bitter note – Compromising on Cost today might lead to a lot of other losses in future, apart from the huge financial crunch that you will have to face when a calamity occurs:

There are 2 types of loss that an employer might suffer:

Direct Loss

§  Loss of efficiency of a skilled worker

§  Cost of replacement of a new product/worker

§  Training Costs of new employees

§  In worst of situations, if an employee dies – Compensation to be paid to the family.

Indirect Loss

§  The fear in the employees, after the calamity

§  The reputation and goodwill of the company is at stake

§  Trust of the employees on the employers is hindered

§  Internal Motivation Level is disturbed along with self confidence