Prepare for accidents and emergencies.


Follow basic emergency preparedness best practices:

·         Never work alone when hazardous chemicals are involved.

·         Prepare for spills.

o    Clean up only very small quantities and only if you have been properly trained. All other spills should be cleaned up by specially trained personnel.

o    Read How to Handle Chemical Spills in Laboratories.

o    Keep a fully stocked chemical spill kit easily accessible.

o    Train personnel on how to use the spill kit, and when it is safe to do so.

·         Know the locations of emergency equipment and how to use it:

o    Telephones

o    Emergency Guide

o    First-aid kit

o    Fire extinguishers and fire alarm pull stations

§  Read Fire Extinguisher Types and Maintenance to learn about different types of extinguishers and how to have them serviced or replaced.

§  Get training: see Fire Extinguisher Training for options.

§  Read How to Use a Fire Extinguisher.

§  Check your fire extinguisher monthly to ensure it is charged and accessible.

o    Eye wash and emergency showers

Emergency override buttons (EOBs)

Some laboratories have emergency override buttons (see image at right) installed to provide maximum room ventilation in the event of a chemical emergency that impacts laboratory air.

Activate this button only if you feel laboratory air has been impacted by a chemical emergency.

To activate:

·         Open the clear cover and push where it says PUSH HERE. Once activated, room air supply and exhaust will be ramped up to maximum capacity to ventilate the space.

·         Evacuate all personnel from the space immediately. Stay out until the room is cleared for reentry.

When the button is pushed, UCSD Police and Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S) will be contacted to investigate. To ensure rapid response:

·         Contact UCSD Police after activating the EOB: Call 9-1-1 from campus phones.

·         Provide the police with any useful information.

When the issue has been resolved, the EOB will be deactivated by authorized personnel and the space will be declared safe for reentry.

First-aid kits and Emergency Guides

First-aid kits (PDF) and Emergency Guides are provided by EH&S in work areas using hazardous materials or generating hazardous waste.

·         The department representative, typically your Area Safety Coordinator, is responsible for monitoring first aid supplies and expiration dates.

·         Contact EH&S, (858) 534-3660, if they are missing, damaged, or to request replacement supplies for EH&S-provided first-aid kits.