Roboticists EDC (Every Day Carry)

EDC Robot testing tools

Recently I have been doing a lot of field work and have seen a lot of people looking for random things or asking people if they had those items. In many of those cases I had the items they needed. This is not because I am great or anything, this is from building up my bag over the years. I keep all of these items in my laptop bag where it becomes my every day carry (EDC) for robotics. So here is the list of what I carry.

·         Laptop Bag

·         Laptop (I like to get a real serial port, but they are getting harder and harder to find. If not I get a laptop card with a native serial port.

·         Laptop charging cable (I use a dock at my desk so I can leave the cable in my bag)

·         Serial cable with DB-9 connectors (w/ male & female gender changers and null modem)

·         Ethernet cable w/ coupler

·         Pens

·         Marker (Black Sharpie)

·         Zip ties

·         Tweaker (small screwdriver with Phillips on one side and flat head on the other side)

·         Multi tip screwdriver

·         Leatherman – I always carry this on my belt

·         Medical kit (band-aid, alcohol wipe, gauze, tourniquet). Should I add a CPR mask?

·         Multimeter (Minimum voltage and continuity)

·         Head light (hands free light is great)

·         Electrical tape or duct tape (you can wrap tape around a business card to save space)

·         USB memory drive

·         VGA to X display adapter (what does your computer use??)

·         Cell phone

·         Cell phone charger

·         $20 (or so) tucked away in a laptop bag pocket

·         a few granola bars (or similar) for when you get stuck somewhere

·         Sunscreen (travel packets are nice)

·         Hand warmers (air activated pads) climate dependent

Things I used to carry and still should:

·         Emergency mylar blanket (for covering robot in rain or medical)

·         Cloth tape measure

·         8.5 x 11 camera calibration and focus target. It was attached to thin wood.

·         Rope (paracord)

·         Rain gear

While I was making this list my wife said I should add the following items that I never really gave a second though to:

·         Feminine hygiene products

·         Pain killer (Tylenol, Motrin, etc..)

EDC Robot testing tools