An Overview of Risk Management

 Over 2,400 years ago by Chinese General Sun Tzu said

 “1.If you know the enemy & know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.

·         If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained  you will also suffer a defeat.

·         If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle”

 Know Yourself 

·         Identify, Examine & Understand the information systems.

·         To protect assets, you must understand what they are? How they add value to the organization, and to which vulnerabilities they are susceptible. 

·         The policies, Education and training programs, and technologies that protect information must be carefully maintained and administered to ensure that they are still effective.

 Know the Enemy 

·          Identifying, Examining & Understanding the threats facing the organization. 

The Roles of the Communities of Interest 

· It is the responsibility of each community of interest to manage the risks that organization encounters.

 Information Security

 ·    Understand the threats and attacks that introduce risk into the organization.

·    Take a leadership role in addressing risk.

 Management & Users 

· Management must ensure that sufficient resource are allocated to the information security & Information technology groups to meet the security needs of the organization. 

· Users work with the systems and the data and are therefore well positioned to understand the value of the information assets.

 Information Technology 

·          Must build secure systems and operate them safely.


Three communities of interest are also responsible for the following 

· Evaluating the risk controls.

· Determining which control options are cost effective.

· Acquiring or installing the needed controls.

· Overseeing that the controls remain effective.


1.           Important Risk Factors of information Security are 

·          Understand the threats and attacks that introduce risk into the organization.

·          Taking asset inventory. 

·          Verify the threats and vulnerabilities that have been identified as dangerous to the asset inventory, as well as the current controls and mitigation strategies.

·          Review the cost effectiveness of various risk control measures.