Best Practices for Your Daily Scrum Meeting


A daily scrum or stand up, is a 15-30 minutes meeting for teams to meet and synchronize activities. It is an opportunity to fine tune daily priorities, understand what is being done by each team member and how they can help each other deliver the sprint goal. The purpose of the meeting is collaboration and not the status update.

Best Practices

A Final Note

In order to work effectively, a Daily Scrum Meeting should not be viewed as a status update or a progress tracking meeting. You will quickly lose excitement and buy-in if it is approached this way. Rather it should be viewed as a chance to ensure collaboration among team members and resolve impediments as a team. It is important to remember that the definition of a successful sprint is team members committed to delivering sprint contents, working together as one unit and are supporting each other to achieve the sprint goals.

How to Use Yodiz for Your Daily Scrum Meeting

The Yodiz sprint board has a few gems that can help the team and Scrum Master run through daily updates more efficiently.