The Jermaghbyur Geothermal
Power Plant will be Armenia's largest geothermal power plant having
an installed electric capacity of 150 MW. It will be situated in Syunik
Province of Armenia.
Low-potential sources of geothermal
power were founded inGarni, Arzni,Jermuk, Ankavan and Sisian. The
geothermal power can be utilizedfor heat-supply,
heating of hothouses, residential buildings and industrial enterprises.
CJSC was contracted by World Bank Energy Invest PIU to develop a detailed
feasibility study for the construction of "Jermaghbyur"
geothermal power plant in Syunik Marz of
the Republic of Armenia. The study was carried out in the scope of the process
aimed at diversifying energy resources in Armenia and achieving a higher level
of independence from the importing energy sources. The document, elaborated
by Ameriaconsultants, proved the strategic
importance and effectiveness of utilizing geothermal energy in Armenia, as well
as the investment attractiveness of the overall project. Geothermal energy is
considered as an effective resource for heat supply and generation of electric
power. Today geothermal plants with the total heat production capacity of 12000
MW operate in more than 30 countries. The geothermal plants generate also
electric power with the total capacity of 8000 MW. The share of geothermal
energy in the world installed capacities is 0.4%.
station, which commissioned in 2008-2009, is a unique project. It does not have
any analogues in the region and will positively differ from the majority of
other energy generation capacities, especially in its renewability of
resources, independence of importing energy sources, as well as in the minimal
environmental impact.
The feasibility study of the project has
indicated that the station based on 6 direct wells with the depth of up to 2.5
km each can have a capacity up to 25 MW and generate up to 195 mlnKW/hour electric power a year.
Ameria is a group of professional services companies
registered in Armenia with the objective to provide a comprehensive package of
professional advisory and assurance services. Ameriaspecializes
in four major areas of professional activities: management advisory services;
assurance and advisory services; legal advisory services; investment banking.
Established in 1998, the company has become a leader in the Armenian market of
advisory services bringing an
international reach and local touch to complex issues rising
in more than 30 industry sectors.