Turbine Driven Boiler Feed Pump Commng Part-Iii Abc Of Thermal Power Plant

Commissioning of Governing System of BFP Turbine


Check that the oil lines from governing rack to governing elements and at the governing rack are as per drawing with proper slope.

Ensure main and auxiliary control valves lift reference indicator is fixed and set to zero position.

Check the damping valve in HP and LP secondary oil lines are kept open by few turns.

Check the filter elements at the control rack of the duplex filter are clean and healthy.

Ensure emergency stop valve open / close limit switches mounted and wired.

Switch off the supply to the following solenoids.

a)         Trip solenoid valves,

b)         Remote reset of trip lever solenoid valve.

c)         Power supply off to the I/H convertors.

Ensure lube oil pump in service and charge governing oil to the governing system.

Ensure all pressure switches and pressure gauges in governing rack are charged and their drain valves are closed.

Reset the turbine locally and ensure following:

a)         Trip oil pressure more than 5.0 kg/cm2.


b)         Stop and control valves in closed condition.

c)         HP and LP secondary oil pressures less than 1.0 kg/cm2

Ensure oil temperature of 45-50 deg C during governing system adjustment.

Opening / closing of emergency stop valve.

Ensure power supply for solenoids (It will be normally in deenergised condition)

Ensure no steam available ahead of ESV and live steam isolating valve in closed condition.

Give open command to ESV and observe the following sequential  operation of solenoid valves .

a)         Both solenoids energises. Oil pressure above piston more than 5 kg/cm2 and below disc 0 kg/cm2 

b)         Solenoid  deenergises oil pressure above piston more than 5 kg/cm2  and below disc more than 5 kg/cm2  .

c)         Solenoid   also deenergises. Oil from above piston starts draining gradually through orifice and ESV opens.

d)         When ESV full open oil pressure below disc is more than 5 kg/cm2  and above piston ‘0’ kg/cm2 . Adjust open limit switch and check feed back available in control room.

By tripping turbine trip lever, ensure tripping/closing of ESV. Check close feed back available in control room.

Reset the turbine from remote by energising corresponding  solenoid  Ensure the same solenoid gets automatically deenergised when trip oil pressure raises more than 4.5 kg/cm2  through pressure switch.

Switch on power supply to HP and LP I/H convertors.

Give 4 mA current to HP I/H convertor with external source or through governor panel.

Ensure HP sec. Oil pressure of 1.5 kg/cm2. If not set the pressure to 1.5 kg/cm2  by adjusting potentiometer in I/H convertor.        

Check that the control valve servomotor pilot is rotating freely and having a slight up and down movements.

Check the main control valve servomotor is just opened, by 0.2 mm. The start of opening can be measured by fixing dial guage on servomotor.

If the start of opening is not correct adjust the adjustment screw of the pilot slide to achieve the start of opening.

Raise the current to I/H conventor to 20 mA. Observe HP sec oil pressure increases to 4.5 kg/cm2 . If not adjust the potentiometer of I/H convertor to achieve the pressure.

Check the main control valve servomotor lift is maximum. If the lift is not correct adjust feed back angle to obtain the full lift.

Check and adjust auxiliary control valve servomotor similarly as done for main control valve .

Record control valve characteristics (from 4 mA to 20 mA to I/H convertor)

1.         Current  mA Vs HP sec oil pressure Vs main control valve lift.

2.         Current to LP I/H convertor mA Vs LP sec-oil pressure Vs Auxiliary control valve lift.

Compare the characteristics and ensure these are in line with governing adjustment diagram/ shop floor test protocol.

Operate the tester for ESV and ensure partial closing of ESV and put back the tester in normal position, ESV opens back to full open position.

Energise the remote trip solenoid  and ensure the following.

a)         ESV closed.

b)         Main control valve is closed

c)         Auxiliary control valve is closed.

d)         Trip oil pressure is zero.