Disaster At Kolkata / Shame On Construction Industry


Twenty six person lost their lives and around  one hundred are injured in this accident .Newspaper is full of stories , photographes ,weird theories about construction is going on endlessly. As a professional of construction industry a few statements need to be cleared in the mind of common man who does not understand construction industry


aa. Chief Minister is well within her rights for expediting its completion within March'16. One should  thankful to CM for taking interest on delayed project.I have seen and worked in different projects of national interest but never seen CM taking such interest for completion of the project. Ground rule is, series of meeting prior to CM meeting will be held for finalisation of dates and CM may take that or further squeeze the schedule and that becomes final for all the authorities.Therefore blaming CM for expediting is ridiculous.


bb. As reported in the newspaper span of this section is more than others . There will be engineering checks but experience says that there will be no problem in engineering as we are good in engineering and there may be three to four layers of check and such calculation is done through specialised software where in margin of error is minimum. The only area left is construction supervision ,methodlogy  and material etc. Civil construction does not require much items. Now all the major contracts contains a clause of cement procurement ( at five companies are mentioned with iS requirement). Therefore technically there will not be any problem in cement. Same procedure is follwed for TMT Bar and plates. These are modern procedures. Manufacturers are certified buy ultimate client , reputed consultant  etc. Major item left is HSFG bolts/HTC bolts which will be subject to scrutiny. \


cc. Therefore construction method is the kyt area to be looked into. KMDA is company which is more than fifty years old therefore their outlook is orthodox and may not fit for executing such time bound big project wherein the rquirement of decision and method /process is must . One need to look into DMRC execution as they follow most modern methods to carry out the project and KMDA may be found wanting . Old orthodox companies are averse to change their outlook. Therefore KMDA may not have a laid down procedure of quality management and safety management.. In spite of excellant management of DMRC they also faced the collapse of girder and number of cranes. All the root causes are construction supervison .


dd. IVRCL was awarded contract on 2009 that time company's performance was good . It is detoriated from 2013 onwards . Therefore awarding is wrong should not be a point to ponder.

Any company got a contract in a GOVT or PSU is very difficult to change in the midway whatever be the cause . It  may take more than a year to do so . Therefore official take softer root and compromise with quality and safety. This type of companies compromise with quality manpower ,try to bypass system etc. Therefore results into such happening.. If they had quality supervisor engineer at site during concreting then caution raised by workers should have been checked and accident can be avoided.


ee. Enquiry will be done for all aspect of labor supply the result will not come to the public. labor supply contractor cannot be blamed for this mishap as their role is limited to manpower supply and supervision of their manpower .


There will be number of state Govt agency will jump into this mishap to find out the cause but as it has been earlier only enquiry report will be bulky but the construction worker will not be benefited.


All arrest etc will not bring the dead man alive neither it will prevent recurrence of such incidents because we follow wrong procedure of vendor selection * based on finanacial value rather than qualitative value(*. we do not follow modern techniques of evolution of vendor..we do not follow basic labor laws and try offload the responsibility to incompetent people. This is a picture of construction industry. Only construction worker,supervisor and engineers are scapegoat.


There are many other aspect like insurance , compensation , minimum wages , PF , etc . All this aspect will come into play time to time. Whatever i saw in earlier cases this remain unsolved and political influence comes into play. Construction worker remain deprived of benenfit.