Solar Wind Hybrid Plant : Technology And Policy
A hybrid power plant in simple terms is a plant which generates
power by using two or more sources of energy. These sources could be either
conventional or non-conventional or both. Such power plants are preliminarily
useful as they reduce dependency on a single source while also enabling the
power plant to produce more power output. Now with the world's focus on
non-conventional power sources (solar and wind energy pre-dominantly) it is
important that such sources are utilized to their maximum potential. While
individually, these sources have been performing quiet fair, there are still
few concerns which needs to be addressed in order to utilize these sources
efficiently.A simple yet innovative solution is hybridization of this
technology or a hybrid solar wind plant (shown in Figure 1). Similar to the
other hybrid plants, here both solar PV panels and wind turbines could generate
electricity and feed it into the grid. With the target of 10GW by 2022 from
such hybrid plants and with both the central & various state governments
supporting this idea, hybrid plants are poised to increase. This blog thus aims
to educate its readers on the basic technical details along with the advantages
of such hybrid plants.
Figure 1: A solar wind hybrid plant (Source: Google images)
Before understanding the technicalities of hybrid plant, it is
important to understand why such plants are necessary at the first place. Its
advantages are mentioned as below:
- Complementary power generation: The
first and foremost advantage of such hybrid plant in the complementary
power generation. The solar power plant produce energy during the daytime
whereas wind plants are generally known to produce (more) energy during
evening and night (compared to daytime). The individual generation curves
of solar and wind plant as evident from figure 2 below are intermittent in
nature and could not adequately match the overall energy demand. This is
where the hybrid power plants could be of utmost importance. Superimposing
both these generation curves they could manage the overall demand to some
extent (as shown in figure 3). Additionally with the central/state
regulators pressing against providing schedule and forecasting of
renewable power plants such hybridization (along with storage) could help
power generators to closely match the given schedule while helping the
SLDC/RLDC/POSOCO in getting power generation values (with certain
tolerances) and balancing the against the power demands.
Figure 2: Power output generation curve; solar
power (left) & wind power plant (right) (Source: Gujarat SLDC)
Figure 3: Super imposed generation curve of solar and wind energy in comparison
to energy demand (Source: Google images)
- Increased capacity utilization factor
(CUF): A capacity utilization factor in simple terms is the ratio of
actual energy generation of the power plant to the maximum possible
generation in such period (24 hours, 365 days in a year) under operation.
A solar power plant (due to the limitation on availability of sun) has a
CUF varying from 16-21%. A wind power plant (location wise variation of
wind at different heights) may have CUF varying from 20% to 26%. This means
that for about 74 to 84% of the time, the plant remains idle without any
generation. Studies however suggest that CUF ranging from 35% to as high
as 50% (in few cases) have been obtained for hybrid power plants. This
means that a higher energy per watt could be obtained which primarily
improves the plant statistics while holistically reducing the LCOE of the
power plant (compared to LCOE of individual power plant).
- Increased utilization of transmission
capacity: Utility scale renewable energy plants are usually located quiet
far from load centers. This means that adequate transmission
infrastructure is required to transmit such power to load centers.
Individual power generation curve of solar and wind plants clearly suggest
that such transmission infrastructure remains un-utilized. With tens of
lakhs required to erect a HV transmission substation, it is important to
utilize it to maximum. This is where a solar wind hybrid plant comes into
play. The hybrid plant due to its complementary nature of generation (as
we explained above) could utilize such infrastructure more efficiently
when compared to individual plant.
- Efficient usage of land: The next
advantage is that the hybrid power plants efficiently utilize the
available land space. The land requirement of a utility scale power plant
is in between 4-6 acre/MW. A wind turbine may vary in sizes and power
output, however most commonly it would occupy an area ranging from 10 to
50 acre/MW (Source: NREL) (the wind turbine only occupies 5% of the area).
The land savings per MW in hybrid plant could be as much from 10-30%.
Additionally with same transmission infrastructure used to evacuate power,
such costs could be reduced too.
- Easier renewable energy purchase
obligation (RPO) achievements: A RPO as the name suggest is an obligation
for an entity (i.e. state distribution companies, open access customers
and captive generators) to source a part of their energy need from
renewable energy sources. It is divided into 2 components i.e. solar and
non-solar RPO. While an enforcement of RPO is in place, (baring mere a
few) as almost every obligator has been a defaulter. A hybrid power plant
would help where both solar and non-solar RPO of an obligatory entitycould
be fulfilled.
As we mentioned above, the solar wind hybrid plant would be of
importance given their advantages compared to the individual plant. With such
understanding in place, let us understand the technical scheme in practice for
a hybrid power plant.There are two categories by which there hybrid plant could
be erected. They are:
- AC coupled hybrid plant: An AC coupled
power plant as the name suggest is the one where the individual power
plant are interconnected at AC side. A single line diagram (SLD) for an AC
integrated hybrid power plant is shown in Figure 4 below. The
configuration of both solar and wind power plant here remains almost
comparable to the individual standard plant with their output most likely
integrated at HT panel of AC yard after individual meter. This ensures
that the utility company knows the exact generation from each plant and
financial settlements could be done accordingly (if PPA for the solar and
wind plants were signed individually at different rates). Such integration
may be perfect for plants existing solar/wind power plant are hybridized
with new wind/solar power plant. This type of system would be more perfect
for fixed speed wind turbine given the fact that they are directly
integrated to the grid (using intermediate induction generator).
Figure 4: An AC coupled hybrid power plant
- DC coupled hybrid plant: A DC coupled
hybrid power plant (as shown in Figure 5) on the contrary is the one where
the DC power output of individual is connected to a common DC bus. This
entire power output is then converted to AC power by using a common inverter
which is further connected to the grid. Such plants are termed in the
market as "true hybrid" because they use the evacuation
infrastructure to the maximum.This configuration is more often suitable
for new power plants and/or for specifically with plants having variable
speed wind turbine. This is because the capacity of common bus, inverter
and the protection on both DC & AC side would require adequate
planning which is not possible in existing plant. If optimally erected,
such hybrid plant could offer a potential savings from INR 5-10/Wp
Figure 5: A DC coupled hybrid power plant
While the technology is in place, it was necessary that a policy
specific to this technology was passed. This was also to ensure that in
addition to erecting new plants, the existing solar/wind plants were given fair
chance to upgrade their power plant by adding appropriate capacity of
wind/solar power plant. The MNRE has released the solar wind hybrid policy
where both AC & DC coupling is allowed, however to be termed as hybrid
plant, the power capacity of one resource should be at least 25% of the rated
power capacity of other resource. The hybrid plants are encouraged to sell the
generated energy with all the available business models i.e. captive
consumption, sale via open access, sale to Distribution Company via bidding or
at APPC. It also allows power plants to install battery storage given its
various benefits. Few states (Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh) have realized potential
of hybrid plants and have released draft policies (hybrid policy of Gujarat is
finalized and notified). With more states realizing its potential, such plants
would increase in years to come.