Main features of Rights

1.      Rights exist only in society. These are the products of social living.

2.      Rights are claims of the individuals for their development in society.

3.      Rights are recognized by the society as common claims of all the people.

4.      Rights are rational and moral claims that the people make on their society.

5.      Since rights are here only in society, these cannot be exercised against the society.

6.      Rights are to be exercised by the people for their development which really means their development in society by the promotion of social good. Rights can never be exercised against social good.

7.      Rights are equally available to all the people.

8.      The contents of rights keep on changing with the passage of time.

9.      Rights are not absolute. These always bear limitations deemed essential for maintaining public health, security, order and morality.

10.  Rights are inseparably related with duties. There is a close relationship between them “No Duties No Rights. No Rights No Duties.” “If I have rights it is my duty to respect the rights of others in society”.

11.  Rights need enforcement and only then these can be really used by the people. These are protected and enforced by the laws of the state. It is the duty of a state to protect the rights of the people.