Affirmative Action Policies: Women


The term affirmative action originated from USA to prohibit unfair discrimination against certain groups or people because of no job related characteristics in terms of civil right act 1960. It is a set of policies that are designed to promote inclusion of all individuals there by addressing concern about discrimination some form of present in the essence the late 1905. But the push is for more extensive enforcement of right movement. There are number arguments against affirmative action critical calling it “reverse discrimination” and arguing that enforce barriers between people rather than breaking down them. The low recognizes the fact that many lasses this historically pattern of exclusion has created disadvantages concern about current discrimination.

Gender in equality refers to valuing of the role of women and men. It works of stereo types and prejudices so that both sets are able to equally contribute to any social, cultural and political development within a society. Gender inequality is the result of social, cultural and political difference in their sex. Gender in equality generally deals with female and male relationship, what the difference is between them and the similarities. Why do you female are considered as minority class and what is expected from the society in order to come in equal position, perhaps if affirmative action exists the discrepancy in performance and confidence become changed [1].

The previous history, this some injure of female Ethiopians is long history, our sister and mothers are highly suppressed by the previous history. This is originally from some religion. Many religions give interior place to female, they perceive, as they are subordinate class. They have no value and have no any contribution in the society in any action. They would be inferior to their husband and consider as a scare to them and to the society. Recognizing of historical legacy of in equality and discrimination, women are experienced in Ethiopia. The FDRE constitution has guaranteed women`s right to affirmative action. In addition to the provision stating women`s right to affirmative action. The consecution has guaranteed equality of men and women (Art, 25) following the promulgation of the constitution. The FDRE Govt. has declared unequivocal commitment to the development of female with the announcement upon female in 1997.

The policy primarily aims to institutionalize the political, economic and social right of women by creating an appropriate structure in government office and institution. So, that the public policy and intervention are gender sensitive and can ensure equitable development for all Ethiopian men and women [2].

Statement of the problem

Enforcement of affirmative action in L/HaHale, the problems are like lack of awareness about concept of affirmative actions, lack of enforcement, employment and lack of implementation problem. In the affirmative action plays an important role in building the capacity of women’s association according it contributes the following function.

1. It plays make hall in participation of women freely in different sectors such as political, economic, social, military governmental and non-governmental and educational opportunity via knowing the right and duties.

2. The local administration of L/HaHale plays an important in the building of women`s capacity association through implementation this policy action according provides the following function such as:

• Technical support

• Market integration

• Borrowed of money

Improving the women`s participation in the business and development service in the support of women`s.

In general the local administration of L/HaHale tabia consists on tabia with four thousands nine hundred forty four (4944) members of women`s association in one association. However, the main problem is that very little is known affirmative action in the world in general in Ethiopia and particularly in Tigray state.

The existence of those and other problem is what the researchers for planning to conduct this research in study by taking a case study in the local administration of L/HaHale (document women`s association, 1995).

• The fundamental to study the research about the role of affirmative action and women`s empowerment tin L/HaHale is:

Low level of participation in the leadership.

In the group of kabele is participation is low.

In social and water conservation is low.

In any activity of the tabia is low, like social, political, economic, cultural participation of the tabia.

Objective of the study

The study would be try accomplish the following general objective and specific objective

General objective

The role of affirmative action and empowerment women`s in the case of L/HaHale.

Specific objective

1. To assess the participation of women in the political, economic and social affairs.

2. To explain the potential advantage of the affirmative action in building the equality between women’s and men in L/HaHale.

3. To assess the attitude of women’s towards affirmative action.

Research questions

1. What are the positive and negative impacts of affirmative action in building and empowerment the capacity of women’s association in L/HaHale?

2. What is the role of affirmative action in empowering women’s association?

3. What ate the mechanism and procedure the improve affirmative action in building the capacity of women’s association?

Significance of the study

The study would be help to investigate the role of affirmative action in building, empowerment the capacity of women’s association through knowing the right and duties in all activities. We expected the good and effective implementation of affirmative action so the study used to.Promote improved implementation of affirmative action broadly.

1. Know about the attitude of women’s towards this affirmative action.

2. Help to create awareness about the advantage of affirmative action.

3. Help to avoid the challenge for enforcement mechanism.

Delimitation of the study (scope)

Geographically the study the is in Ethiopia, Tigray regional woreda Ahferom particularly place in. the study would worth would work, would confirm only represents in L/HaHale tabia as well as the head of the researches is the role of affirmative action in empowerment of women’s in the case of L/HaHale.

Methodology of the study is systematically and sample random sampling solves the research proposal (problem).

Limitation of the study

This research is the following limitation:

• Lack of reference book in the tabia

• Lack of time and budget

• Transport problem.

Review of Related Literature

Regional and definition of affirmative action

Regions of affirmative action: The term affirmative action was first used in the United States. It first appeared in executive order 10925 which was signed by president of John Kennedy on march 6, 1961 and it was used to measures to achieve be non-discrimination in 1965 president Hyndon B. Shannon is used executive order 11,246 which refers to federal contractions to lack “affirmative to hire without regard to race religion and national origin in 1968.

Gender was added to anti-discrimination lists matching procedures in other countries are also known as reprobation in India, positive discrimination in United Kingdom and employment equality in Canada [3].

The employment equity act and broad based black economic empowerment act aim to promote and achieve equality in work place (in south Africa termed “equity” by advanced people form designated group) the designed groups who are too been advanced including all people of color women.

Employment equity legislation realness companies employing more the 60 people to design and implement plans to improve to representative of work force demographics and reporter to the department of labor affirmative action in Ethiopia cannot be separated from the right to equality through different places in the constitution decisive feature of the Ethiopia perspective on affirmative action the constitution as a part of human right.

The historical development brought about by the Ethiopia constitution in the commitment to redressing the historical exclusion of women, Ethiopian women have been subjected to systematic and individuals form of discrimination. The government constitutional provision is in the Article, 35/3), federal democratic republic Ethiopia (1995) [1].

Definition of affirmative action

Affirmative action has no clear and universal applicable definition, many have attempts to define affirmative action from different perspective and the way want it either negatively or positively Michel rose fled quoting Green await define. Affirmative action as phrase that refers to act attempts to bring members of under represents groups, usually groups that have suffer discrimination in to higher degree of participation in some beneficial program.

Likewise Gwyneth putt defines affirmative action as a policies or program that are designed to eliminate in visible as well as visible discrimination and to encourage under present groups to reach activation and encourage to reach situation where they are more likely to be the best candidate for the past place.

General affirmative action can be defined as a broad range of measures that take past disadvantage in to account and strive to correct these problems. The about working definition does not have ever give usually Fledged understanding of what affirmative action in about discussing the types of measures to be taken the degree of permissibility. The potential beneficiaries and its duration gives high attention on understanding of affirmative action.

It is often argued that affirmative action the achievements of individual such polices can be seen as suggesting that these people heed help to succeed other than doing on their own merits many nations have lows on the books which fall under the umbrella of affirmative action.

In addition, many companies and governmental agencies have policies which are designed to promote diversity proponents argue that these policies promoted under such policies but also the company and the work place as a whole because including people from diverse back grounds. Contributions to more as and the work place as whole, because including can be to more as and ways of working the direct conation of discrimination through such policies is also designed to reducing the cultural social, economic and class groups between people of afferent back grounds.

The federal constitution has recognized equality of women and put mechanisms in place to promote the enjoyment of their rights and this is clearly stated in Article 35 of the F.D.R.E constitution in such way that women’s have equal right with men in marriage as prescribed by the federal democratic republic Ethiopia [1].

Affirmative action in education

It is axiomatic and self-evident “that education is a key for personal development and means for the social economic and political development of country. Similar to women all over the world, education was not equally accessible for Ethiopia historical legal of male dominated educational was not equally. For Ethiopia historical legal of male dominated educational system in Ethiopia buttressed the traditional thinking on the role and capacity of women systematically excluded Ethiopia women form the educational been fits the country.

Educational equality through affirmative action: After 1990s Ethiopia took some measures to achieve gender equality in education. In 1993 long before the adoption of the new constitution the transitional government of Ethiopia (TGE) adopted the national policy of women (AIPW).

The AIPW notes the need for inclusion and participation of women in the educational sector as necessary condition for the overall development of the country. It is safe to say that taking the historical marginalization of women. The AIPW is a remarkable development Ethiopia women for which one of its promises is taking affirmative action in education [4].

Affirmative action in employment

The application of affirmative in the field of employment is the subject of strong challenges. Affirmative action in employment helps to bring the underutilized labor of many perilously excluded categories of the society to the market. Despite the required knowledge and skills many women do not engage in gain full employment due to the stereotypical views against women. Having this in mind the crux of the following discussion meant to analyze the existing employment legislations and their respective position affirmative action in Ethiopia.

Affirmative action in political representation

Political participation is to be all inclusive of every one in one country this is an important aspect in democracy system.

• Political exclusion of women inevitably raises questions.

In women`s entrepreneurship development

The international labor organizations women`s entrepreneurship development program is a part of small enterprise development program (SEDP). International labor organization women part of small enterprise development works on enhancing economic opportunity for women by carrying out affirmative action in support of women starting formalizing and growing heir enterprises development is highlighted in international labor organization women entrepreneurship development strategy that was adopted by the governing body in March, 2008.

• The international labor organization women development approach three fold working with government employees organizations trade unions and local community based on organization to create an enabling environment for women entrepreneurship development, that generate equality jogs building institutional capacity in women entrepreneurship development. Development of tools and support services for women entrepreneurs. It does so through targeted approaches with a clear objectives to contribute women`s economic empowerment international labor organization women`s entrepreneurship development strategy was built form the expertise developed under women’s entrepreneurship.

• The women`s entrepreneurship development strategy a flexible and innovative response to promote women`s entrepreneurship development based on local needs and circumstance.

Enabling environment for women participation

Crating enabling environment is important to promote the political participation of women the goal of equal participation of women in politics can be achieved when socio-cultural political and economic structural barriers are changed. The first important elements of enabling environment related to the nature of democracy and level of democratization in society. The participation and decentralized form of government crate greater space for citizen to participate in governance process and structures, means that through implementing affirmative action strategy the government should be care good chance for the women`s to participate quality with men`s in politics and development that provided suitable environment for the women with men