Directive Principles


·        A list of policy guidelines is included in the Constitution known as “the Directive Principles of State Policy” (DPSP).

·        These guidelines are ‘non-justifiable’, i.e., parts of the Constitution that cannot be enforced by the judiciary.

Description: Directive Principles


Goals of DPSP

·        Following are the significant Goals of DPSP −

o   Welfare of the people; Social, economic, and political justice;

o   Raising the standard of living; equitable distribution of resources;

o   Promotion of international peace.

Policies of DPSP

·        Following are the important Policies of DPSP −

o       Uniform civil code;

o       Prohibition of consumption of alcoholic liquor;

o       Promotion of cottage industries;

o       Prevention of slaughter of useful cattle;

o       Promotion of village panchayats

Non - Justifiable rights of DPSP

·        Following are the major non-justifiable rights of DPSP −

o   Adequate livelihood;

o   Equal pay for equal work for men and women;

o   Right against economic exploitation;

o   Right to work; and

o   Early childhood care and education to children below the age of six years.

Difference between DPSP & FR

·        Following are the major differences between the Fundamental Rights and the Directive Principles of State Policy −

o   The Fundamental Rights mainly protect the rights of individuals, while the directive principles ensure the well-being of the entire society.

o   The Fundamental Rights are justifiable and can be claimed in the court of law, whereas the Directive Principles of State Policy cannot be enforced by the judiciary.

o   The Fundamental Rights restrain the government from doing certain things, while the Directive Principles of State Policy insist the government to do certain things.

·        Regarding the Right to Property, the Constitution made it clear that property could be taken away by the government for public welfare.

·        In 1973, the Supreme Court gave a decision that the Right to Property was not a part of the basic structure of the Constitution and therefore, the Parliament has the power to abridge this right by an amendment.

·        In 1978, the 44th amendment to the Constitution removed the Right to Property from the list of Fundamental Rights and transformed it into a simple legal right under Article 300 A.