Position your dies effortless, precise and with reduced force. ETDC travelling die clamps are a convenient solution to further automate quick die changes. 

This type of die clamping system is connected to a chain, moved by an electrical motor.
The ETDC belongs to the range of die change automation equipment reducing setup times (SMED). Another EAS’ solution focussing on sheet metal forming machines and vertical injection molding machines. A typical appliance of these travelling die clamps is in machines with a moving bolster.


·         Especially designed for large stamping presses with non-standardized die back-plates

·         Travel stroke between 4200 and 1200 mm

·         Suitable for pull clamping cylinders as well as T-slot clamps

·         For automatic QDC applications

Function ETDC

A single acting pull / T-slot cylinder is mounted to a chain which travels into the T-slot of the slide. The chain is driven by an electric motor.

Mostly, a press has two moving bolsters. One with the die that’s in production, the second bolster waiting outside. This has the new die already clamped in place (lower half) and ready for the die change. So the complete bolster will  move in and out of the press.

The quick die change supported by travelling die clamps works as follows:

1) stop production
2) unclamp upper die by means of the travelling clamp
3) take out first moving bolster
4) move in second moving bolster (with the new die)
5) clamp the upper die using travelling die clamps
6) ready for production

The hydraulic clamp is normally retracted in the so called park position and is controlled by a sensor. When the cylinder travels into the T-slot and reaches the die that needs to be clamped, another sensor will indicate that the clamp has reached his position.


Travelling die clamps are used on large stamping presses with a lot of different sizes of dies. Especially on the slide these clamps offer the possibility of automatic clamping of different sizes of large  dies. Most of the time 8 till 16 of these clamps are mounted on the slide.