Introduction to molding processes

Molding is a manufacturing process that involves shaping a liquid or malleable raw material by using a fixed frame; known as either a mold or a matrix. The mold is generally a hollow cavity receptacle, commonly made of metal, where liquid plastic, metal, ceramic, or glass material is poured. In most cases, the mold is derived from the initial pattern or template of the final object; its main objective is to reproduce multiple uniform copies of the final product. As the liquid cools and hardens inside the mold, the final configuration is achieved. Its removal is facilitated by the use of a release agent or ejection pins.

We are surrounded by both ordinary and complex objects that were manufactured as a result of the molding manufacturing process. Molding has occurred throughout the millennia. Evidence of its usage has been discovered dating as far back as the Bronze Age, where stones were used as molds to produce spear tips.

Modern molding processes include plastic injection molding, Liquid Silicone Rubber (LSR) molding, overmolding, and insert molding. Customized prototypes and end-use parts are produced with the plastic injection molding process. The standard process eliminates the use of embedded heating or cooling lines within the molds so that molders, also known as molding technicians, can carefully monitor fill pressure, aesthetics, and overall part quality.

·         Liquid Silicone Rubber (LSR) molding is a highly flexible material that is considered a thermosetting polymer, meaning its molded state is permanent and it can’t be remelted like a thermoplastic could. A specific LSR molding tool is designed with CNC machining, thus providing different surface finish options for the end-use LSR part.


·         Overmolding allows a single part to contain multiple materials. Once a substrate part’s total run is molded, overmold tooling is setup on the press. It is then hand-placed into the mold and overmolded with either a thermoplastic or liquid silicone rubber material. Insert molding is similar to overmolding, but most commonly uses a preformed metal substrate part that overmolds it with plastic to create the final part.

Injection molding

As its name implies, injection molding is the manufacturing process of injecting material into a mold to produce a part. While the most common materials used for injection molding are metals, thermoplastic polymers and thermosetting polymers, other possible materials include glass, elastomers, and confections. Die-casting specifically refers to the injection molding of metals.

The first injection molding machine was patented in 1872 by the American inventor brothers John Wesley and Isaiah Hyatt, who eventually used it to produce collar stays, buttons, and hair combs. A German inventor patented the injection molding of plasticized cellulose acetate, a much less flammable material than cellulose nitrate, in 1939. World War II was responsible for the industry’s rapid expansion as demand exploded for affordable, mass-produced products. The industry went on to witness the invention of the first screw injection machine in 1946, which, today, accounts for the vast majority of all machines.

Later in the 1970’s, the first gas-assisted injection molding process was developed, making it possible to produce complex, hollow objects that cooled quickly. This greatly improved design flexibility as well as the strength and finish of manufactured parts. It also reduced production time, cost, weight, and waste. Today, the plastic injection molding industry produces a broad range of products across numerous sectors, which include the aerospace, automotive, construction, consumer goods, packaging, plumbing, and toy industries.

Although injection molding is a versatile process, it is critical that careful attention is given to a mold’s design and material, the material used, the part’s desired shape and features, and the specifications of the molding machine. Molds are generally made from steel or aluminum and are precision-machined to form their specific features. A liquid material is fed into a heated barrel, mixed, and fed into the mold’s cavity, eventually cooling and hardening to the mold’s configuration.

Optimal for high-volume production, a diverse variety of parts from small components like bottle caps, packaging, musical instruments to toy cars, all the way up to entire body panels of cars, mechanical parts and gears, and most plastic parts on the shelves today, are produced thanks to injection molding.

Thanks to advances in 3D printing technology, photopolymers can be used for manufacturing some simple injection molds considering that they don’t melt during the injection molding of low-temperature thermoplastics.

The equipment used in injection molding includes injection molding machines, molds or dies, and injection and ejector molds. Due to their high cost, custom molds are handled and stored very carefully with special attention being given to environmental temperature and humidity levels in an effort to prevent warping.

The two main methods for constructing molds are: standard machining (CNC) and Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM). Standard machining has historically been the more conventional method and developments in CNC (Computer Numerical Control) have allowed the fabrication of more complex molds with greater speed. EDM, also known as spark erosion, has also been widely adopted in mold making. Tool steel is the most common material used in mold making. Well-designed molds built of modern hard aluminum (7075 and 2024 alloys) are easily capable of 100,000, or greater, part life with proper mold maintenance. Mild steel, aluminum, nickel or epoxy are only suitable for prototype or very short production runs.

Roto molding

Rotomolding, also called rotational molding, entails filling a charge, or shot weight, of material into a heated hollow mold, which is followed by slowly rotating the mold, causing the softened material to disperse and adhere to the mold’s walls. The mold continues to rotate at all times during the heating phase to achieve and maintain an even thickness throughout the part. This rotation also prevents sagging, or deformation, during the cooling phase.

The distinct advantage of rotomolding is that it is an easier process than any other when it comes to producing large, hollow parts, such as oil tanks or chairs. In addition, the molds used in rotomolding are significantly less expensive than other types of molds. Very little material is wasted with rotomolding; excess material can often be reused, making it both economic and ecological.

Another advantage lies in the molds themselves; they necessitate less tooling, which means they can be manufactured and put into production much faster than other molding processes. This is especially valuable for complex parts. Rotational molding is also the process of choice for short runs and rush deliveries. The molds can be exchanged quickly, or different colors can be used without purging the mold. With other processes, purging may be required to exchange colors.

The main drawbacks are the hard-to-reach areas in the mold and a long cooling duration that leads to significant mold downtime.

The first application of bi-axial rotation and heat was documented in 1855, mainly to produce metal artillery shells and other hollow vessels. The initial objective of using rotation was to create consistency in wall thickness and density. Eventually, rotational molding was used for hollowing wax objects; shortly thereafter rotomolding was used to fabricate chocolate eggs. It was subsequently applied with the use of plaster-of-Paris in the 1920’s. In the 1950’s, it was originally applied to plastics and was slow to receive industry adoption because of its sluggish productivity rate and the limitation caused by a small number of suitable plastics. The first rotomolded products were doll heads, which led to the creation of other plastic toys, eventually creating road cones, marine buoys, and car armrests. The resulting popularity accelerated the development of larger machinery and eventually led to the creation of a worldwide trade association called The Association of Rotational Molders (ARM).

New plastics like polycarbonate, polyester, and nylon, were introduced to rotational molding in the 1980’s, leading to new applications for the process, such as fuel tanks and industrial moldings. Most recently, the development of plastic powders and process control improvements has led to a considerable increase in its application.

A broad spectrum of equipment sizes can be found among the various rotational molding machines. Generally, a rotational molding machine is comprised of molds, an oven, a cooling chamber, and mold spindles. Uniform coating of the plastic inside each mold is achieved with the spindles being mounted on a rotating axis. The quality of the molds, usually aluminum-based, is directly linked to the quality and finish of the final product.

The different rotomolding machines are as follows:

·         Rock and roll machine

·         Clamshell machine

·         Vertical or up-and-over rotational machine

·         Material jetting

·         Vertical or up-and-over rotational machine

·         Shuttle machine

·         Swing-arm machine

·         Carousel machine

The rock-and-roll machine is specialized to mainly produce long narrow parts. The clamshell machine is a single-arm rotational molding machine that heats and cools in the same chambers and takes up less space than the shuttle and swing arm machines. Vertical rotational machines are considered small-to-medium in size (in comparison with other rotomolding machines), and are energy-efficient thanks to their compact heating and cooling chambers.

Although a single-arm shuttle machine exists, most shuttle machines have two arms that alternate the molds between the heating chamber and cooling station. The arms are independent of each other and they turn the molds bi-axially. The swing-arm machine is beneficial for companies with prolonged cooling cycles or lengthy demolding time. It can have up to four arms with a bi-axial movement. Each arm is independent of the other since it’s not necessary to operate all the arms simultaneously. The carousel machine is one of the most common bi-axial machines in the industry. It can have up to four arms and six stations, and is available in a wide range of sizes.

Blow molding

The original principle of blow molding is derived from glassblowing. Essentially, blow molding is a manufacturing process that forms hollow plastic parts.

Blow molding is first launched by melting down plastic and forming it into a parison, which is a tube-like segment of plastic with a hole in one end that allows compressed air to pass. A “preform,” rather than a parison, is used with injection and injection stretch blow molding (ISB). The parison is then clamped into a mold and air is blown into it, causing the pressure to push the plastic outwards to match the mold. Upon the plastic’s cooling and hardening, the part is ejected.

Three main types of blow molding exist:

·         Extrusion Blow Molding (EBM) first occurs by taking melted plastic and extruding it through a parison with compressed air and into the mold. It features two variations: continuous and intermittent.


·         Blow Molding (IBM) is generally used for small medical and single-serve bottles. It is used to produce large quantities of hollow glass and plastic objects by injection molding a polymer onto a core pin which is rotated to a blow molding station to be inflated and cooled. IBM imposes restrictions on bottle design, only allowing a champagne base to be made for carbonated bottles.


·         Injection stretch molding is suitable for cylindrical, rectangular, or oval bottles and has two main different methods, notably the single-stage and two-stage processes. With the single-stage method, the same machine is used to both preform manufacture and bottle blow the object. This method is highly suitable for low volumes and short runs. In the case of the two-stage process, the plastic is first molded into a “preform” using the injection molding process. The “preforms” are then packaged and fed after cooling into a reheat stretch blow molding machine. While there is a high capital cost and a large floor footprint is required, injection stretch molding can produce very high volumes and feature minimal restriction on bottle design. The bottles can also be sold as a completed item for a third-party to blow.

·         Spin trimming is an operation closely related to blow molding. It occurs when a knife spins, or revolves, around a container that has an excess of material due to the molding process. The knife cuts the excess material away and allows it to be recycled to create new moldings.


Casting is a 6,000-year-old molding process that involves filling a liquid material into a mold of a desired shape. The liquid goes on to gradually cool and solidify. The solidified part is called a casting. It is either ejected or broken out of the mold to finalize the process. Typically, metals or cold setting materials such as epoxy, concrete, plaster, or clay are used in casting. Casting is the preferred process for producing complex shapes that would otherwise be too difficult or costly to make through other methods. A copper casted frog is the oldest living proof that intricate casting patterns were used as early as 3200 BC.

The two main types of casting are metal and non-metal (such as plaster, concrete, or resin). Metal casting involves the heating of a metal into its liquid state and sequentially pouring the liquid into a mold. The mold and metal are allowed to cool until the liquid metal solidifies, at which point the casting is recovered from the mold. Plaster, concrete, or resin casting typically make use of single-use disposable molds or multi-use molds made of small, rigid pieces such as latex rubber. Topical treatments can be applied to the surface of plaster or concrete when the surface is flat or lacks transparency. They can also be used to give the appearance of metal or stone. Resin is particularly well adopted in the construction of sinks, countertops, and shower stalls. Adding powdered stone and different colors can provide a near-realistic imitation of natural marble or travertine.

Fettling is the process of cutting, grinding, shaving, or sanding away unwanted irregularities caused by seams and imperfections in the molds. Today, the integration of robotics has been adopted to perform some fettling. However, “fettlers” have historically carried out this grueling work manually, often with risks for repercussions to their health.

One way to save costs throughout the entire casting manufacturing phase is to apply casting process simulation software such as AutoCAST and MAGMa; this simulation uses numerical methods to calculate quality, solidification, and cooling, and provides a measurable prediction of the mechanical properties, thermal stresses, and distortion. It is considered the most valuable innovation in casting technology in 50 years.

Vacuum molding

Vacuum molding, sometimes referred to as vacuum forming, is a straightforward molding process that uses vacuum pressure to force a sheet of heated and stretched plastic onto a single-surface mold. The plastic is heated to a forming temperature and the suction holds the plastic sheet against the mold until the desired shape is achieved. Vacuum molded components are preferential to complex fabricated sheet metal, fiberglass, or plastic injection molding for applications such as kiosks, automated teller machines, medical imaging equipment, engine covers, or for interior trim and seat components of train wagons.

There is a broad range of possible patterns in vacuum molding. Wood is the most common mold for vacuum molding, mainly because of its affordability and its freedom to perform design changes. Recycled objects can also be used as molds for their sustainability. Despite being costly, aluminum molds can accelerate the fabrication process because of their effectiveness with shallow draw parts. Composite molds are more affordable than cast or machined aluminum molds and offer reliable durability while producing high-quality parts. The most suitable materials for vacuum molding are thermoplastics while the most common and adaptable is High Impact Polystyrene Sheeting (HIPS). Acrylic is a suitable material for vacuum molding, used for its transparency, in applications such as aerospace, for example, with cockpit window canopies.

Finishing operations are necessary to transform the product into a suitable state. Common finishing methods include: guillotining, drilling, roller cutting, press cutting, and CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machine cutting.

Compression molding

Compression molding is a forming process that heats and softens a plastic material in order to achieve a desired shape. It entails placing the plastic material, either in the form of pellets or sheet, into an open, heated metal mold. The mold then softens the material, forcing it to conform to the mold’s shape as pressure is applied while it closes allowing the curing phase to take place. Once completed, excess materials protruding from the mold, called “flashes,” need to be removed to achieve a good finish.

First developed to manufacture composite parts for metal replacement applications, compression molding is typically used to make larger flat or moderately curved parts for the automotive industry including Long Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics (LFT) and Glass Fiber Mat Reinforced Thermoplastics (GMT). Some of these parts include: hoods, fenders, scoops, spoilers, as well as smaller, more intricate parts.

One main advantage of compression molding is its capacity to mold large, relatively intricate parts as well as to produce ultra-large basic shapes that would otherwise be impossible with extrusion techniques. It is also one of the lowest-cost methods when compared with transfer or injection molding. Plus, waste reduction is maximized, which is particularly beneficial when working with expensive compounds. The drawbacks of compression molding include poor product consistency, difficulty in controlling flashing, and its lack of suitability for certain types of parts.

Compression molding can manufacture based on numerous materials such as Polyester fiberglass resin systems (like Bulk Molding Compound (BMC) or Sheet Molding Compound (SMC), polyamides-imides (like Torlon), polyimides (like Vespel), PolyPhenylene Sulfide (PPS), PolyEther Ether Ketone (PEEK), phenolics, thermoset polyester vinyl ester, epoxy, Diallyl Phthalate (DAP) and silicones.

Dip molding

As its name implies, dip molding is a plastic manufacturing process that takes heated metal molds and dips them into a PVC liquid called plastisol to form a plastic part. The liquid can either be heated or at room temperature. The part is then cooled, drained, hardened, and stripped from its mold to produce the finished product. The molds can be submerged multiple times to achieve the desired thickness. For certain materials, a curing process may be required.

Dip molding can produce parts at a fraction of the cost of injection molding and at an accelerated pace. It is suitable for short runs of prototypes as well as for high-production orders. Plastisol is an affordable material and is available in a broad range of custom and standard colors. It is also flame retardant, UV and mildew resistant and relatively resistant to scratching and abrasion. In addition to plastisol, dip molding materials include latex, ieneoprene, polyurethanes, silicones, and epoxy. The main drawbacks include the time required to produce a part and the difficulty of controlling the thickness.

The range of possibilities with dip molding is vast, however, some common applications for dip molding include caps and plugs, gasoline nozzle covers, gloves, protective ax covers, socket holders, and many more.