semi -synthetic polymer

semi-synthetic polymers are obtained from natural polymers by subjecting them to some chemical processes. eg: vulcanised rubber.

What are Synthetic polymers?

Synthetic polymers are chemicals made by rearranging the structure of existing molecules, especially large molecules containing carbon. The molecular chains (monomers) that make up organic molecules can be artifically strung together to create materials such as plastics, neoprene rubber, nylon and rayon. Synthetic polymers are man-made mega-molecules. Examples of modernand revolutionary synthetic polymers include DuPont pioneeringNylon and Dacron fibers.

What are the 5Cs of credit?

5 C's of Credit refer to the factors that lenders of money evaluate to determine credit worthiness of a borrower. They are the following:. 1. Borrower's CHARACTER. 2. Borrower's CAPACITY to repay the loan. 3. COLLATERAL or security/guarantee for the obligation. 4. Borrower's CAPITAL (business networth) or downpayment for the loan. 5. Present and anticipated CONDITIONS of the borrower, collateral, business, and the industry or economy in general

What are the importance of synthetic polymer?

synthetic polymers are the main component of plastics and many other materials. they are macromolucles giving them special properties.

What are the pros and cons of synthetic polymers?

Here are some... Pros: . Strong . Flexible . Mouldable . Durable . Cons: . They are non-biodegradable

What is the definition of semi-permeable?

Semi-permeable means partially permeable. The term semi-permeable is composed of two words -semi and permeable. Semi is prefix in Latin and means half, or incompletely or somewhat. Permeability refers to the quality of diffusion or seeping or penetrating. This quality is generally associated with liquids or gases. Thus, semi-permeable is used to describe something that allows the passage of some substances and blocks other or not required substances.

hat are some benefits of synthetic polymers?

Microorganism usually don't (yet) know how to eat them like they donatural polymers. This makes synthetic polymers more durable. However this is also a disadvantage as they cannot decompose andaccumulate as trash.

Is silicon a synthetic polymer?

Silicon is an element. Silicone (with an E on the end) is a synthetic polymer.

What are the pollution caused by synthetic polymers?

when they are made, the fumes contain carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and loads of other crap. so yeah, they're quite anti-green!

What is the definition of semi block format letter?

The date, complimentary close and signature are lined up in the center of the page. Each paragraph is indented three to five spaces. There may or may not be a double space between paragraphs.

Definition for semi-formal meeting?

The Semi-formal meeting means that those meetings in which the public is invited just listen to the speaker. like if a politician is addressing the common people so it is a semi-formal meeting.. A semi-formal meeting is a cross between formal and Informal. A semi formal meeting can be relxed but also strict it is a mix of both

What is full synthetic and semi synthetic oil?

Oil usually refers to petroleum lubricant. It is refined product of crude oil pumped from underground oil fields around the world. Synthetic oil is lubricant manufactured as a substitute for petroleum lubricant, it was first developed by Germany during WWII to make up their shortages in oil. Semi synthetic oil is a mixture of petroleum lubricant and syntetic lubricant.

 What does 5c stand for?

The Iphone 5C is Iphone 5Colorful 5c can also stand for thenumber 500 ("c" is the Roman numeral for 100) or for 5 degreesCelsius (centigrade) . +++ . "5c" can not stand for any Roman numerals forthree reasons. For a start you do not mix Arabic and Roman numeralslike that - it would be nonsensical. Secondly, the Roman for 100 is capital " C ", but thirdly, in the Romanscale, 5 is V, 50 is L and 500 is D. The ' C ' isalso capital for degrees Celsius / Centigrade.

What are natural and synthetic polymers?

A natural polymer would be rubber which is obtained from nature. A synthetic polymer would be polybutadiene which behaves like rubber.

What is the definition of polymer?

Polymer (PAH luh muhr) A covalent compound made up of many small repeating units. linked together in a chain.

What is semi synthetic plastic?

Plastic in its self is a manufactured substance unlike wood or other items. This most likely refers to the amount of oil or another substance added to the plastic.

Is polyvinyl chloride a synthetic polymer?

YES! polyvinyl chloride is a synthetic polymer. This is so because it is a polychain made up of repeated units of monomers. More specifically this plastic has the presence of HCl and ethyne within the organic compound. This is a type of a plastic used for various purposes such as insulation for electrical wires.

What is the definition of semi-solid agar medium?

Semi-solid agar media have been successfully used for primary culture and drug sensitivity tests of tubercle bacilli directly from sputum homogenates. I really wanna have sex with my friend but i don't know how to start!

What Monomers in synthetic polymers?

There are almost limitless numbers of monomers in use for polymer manufacture. If you look at the names of polymer types you will see that monomers must come from very many basic chemical families - polyesters are made from diacids and diols, polyolefines are made from alkenes, nylons are made from diacids and diamines, polyvinyls are made from substituted ethylenes, polyacrylics are made from substituted and pure acrylic acid (propenoic acid) etc. etc etc. Many polymers use mixed types of monomer. ethene is the answer dont read this wrong and long thing this person above wrote.

Are natural and synthetic polymers the same?

No, they are not. IIf they are the polymer of the same monomers in the identical sequence and with identical bonding.

What are some synthetic polymers?

Polyester Nylon Vinyl floors Laminated countertops Compact discs (CD's) Computer parts Artificial heart valves Bicycle tires

Is paper a synthetic polymer?

No, it is a natural polymer cellulose found in plants, paper is a plants product.

Name another type of compound that fits the definition of a polymer?

Many of the compounds with 'poly' in its name: polysaccharide, polyurethane, polyvinylchloride (PVC), polyacrylamide, However not all: 'polyalcohol' is not perse a polymere, neither is polyphenol.

Is protein a synthetic polymer?

No. it is not synthetic. I am however quite certain it is possible to synthesize some forms of proteins.

What is the Definition of semi-fixed costs?

A semi-fixed cost is fixed over a given, small range of activity, and above that level of activity, the cost suddenly jumps. It stays fixed again for a while at the higher range of activity, and when the activity moves out of that range, it jumps again. A semi-fixed cost moves upward in a step fashion, staying at a certain level over a small range and then moving to the next level quickly. All fixed costs behave this way, and a wholly fixed cost is also fixed only as long as activity remains within the relevant range. However, a semi-fixed cost is fixed over a smaller range than the relevant range of a wholly fixed cost. An example of a semi-fixed cost is the nursing staff in a hospital. If the hospital needs one nurse for every 25 patients, then each time the patient load increases by 25 patients, one additional nurse will be hired and total nursing salaries will jump by the additional nurse's salary. That is in contrast to administrative staff salaries at the same hospital, which might remain fixed until the patient load increases by 250 patients, at which point an additional admitting clerk would be needed. The administrative staff salaries are wholly fixed costs (over the relevant range), whereas the nursing staff salaries are semi-fixed costs.

What is the difference between natural and synthetic polymers?

Natural polymers have been on earth, way before us humans came, Natural polymers are very useful to us even now, natural polymers incluse, RNA, and DNA, that are so important in genes and life processes. Examples of natural polymers may be: silk, wool, cellulose etc... Synthetic polymers are man made, usually by scientists or engineers. Examples of synthetic polymers are: Nylon, Polyrthene, Polyester, neopone (which is a synthetic rubber).

What are some problems with synthetic polymers?

synthetic polymers are dispersed by ind and rivers causing serious pollution. The fact that they do not react with water and air and are not affeted by natural causes and by microorganisns makes them non-decomposable.

What is another name for a synthetic polymer?

A macromolecule is a name sometimes given to a synthetic polymer. It may also be incorrectly called "plastic"

Is rayon a synthetic polymer?

Not truly. Neither is it a natural fibre. It is manufactured from cellulose, which is a naturally occurring polymer. It's regarded as "semi-synthetic", or "artificial".

What are some useful properties of synthetic polymers?

The properties of synthetic polymers vary as it depends on the polymer. Synthetic polymers are created for certain uses so a useful property for a Nappie would be that it absorbs liquid through thermogels however this would not be a useful property for a raincoat as it would absorb the water rather than repeal it. .

What is definition of polymer?

think plastic but if you want to get technical then it is a large molecule (macromolecule) composed of repeating structural units typically connected by covalent chemical bonds.

What are some examples of natural polymers and synthetic polymers?

Natural polymer: shellac, amber, natural rubber, cellulose Synthetic polymers: synthetic rubber, Bakelite, neoprene, nylon, PVC, polystyrene, polyethylene, polypropylene, silicone, etc.

What is the difference between synthetic polymers and natural polymers?

natural polymers are naturally occurring polymers e.g. DNA and synthetic polymers are man-made polymers e.g. Nylon, Polythene

What are the other names for synthetic polymers?

Synthetic polymers are also known as man-made materials. Frequently these materials include plastics, polystyrene, nylon, rubbers, etc...

Why do synthetic polymers have recycling numbers?

The number is given according to the recycling state of the polymers So, we can be able to figure out the recycling state of the polymers by their recycling number.

What is a semi-synthetic drug?

A semi-synthetic drug is a drug which has been synthesized from a drug occurring in nature. It has been modified in a laboratory to create a new "man-made" drug, compared to a synethic drug which has no ties to naturally occurring compounds.

Is an eraser a synthetic or natural polymer?

different erasers are different materials so both. some are made from rubber that comes from trees and others are made syntheticly

How are natural polymers and synthetic polymers similar?

Synthetic polymers contain linkages which are present in natural polymers also , for example nylon (a synthetic polymer) contains pep-tide (also called amide) linkage and proteins also contain the same linkage .. considering that protein is a naturally occurring polymer Btw , not sure if this is the only similarity .. :D

Is cellulose an example of a synthetic polymer?

No; cellulose is a natural polymer. Plastic is one example of a synthetic polymer. Zombies Suck! XOXO Juliet

What are the disadvantages of synthetic polymers?

Since it is cheaper to throw away synthetic polymers and make newones than it is to reuse them. As a result to this, syntheticpolymers build up the volume of trash.

What are semi-synthetic antibiotics?

Semi-synthetic antibiotics are antibiotics that obtained from microorganism ( esp, fungal source ) that subsequently modified with the organic chemical to develop their effectiveness and decrease their toxicity or to render them a unique for pharmaceutical patent.

How synthetic polymer can cause environmental pollution?

the effects is that when you burn plastics which are made from polymers it creates pollution which produces carbon dioxide which contributes to global warming. Also plastics are non biodegradable and so landfills are used to bury the plastic this takes up space and also costs money because there is not enough room for all the waste. Therefore plastics are banned in some area.

What is 5c in milliliters?

5cc? cc means cubic centimetres which is equal to ml, so 5ml. if you mean cl, then that is equal to 50ml

What is the definition of semi-desert?

A desert is arid and defined as a region that receives less than 10 inches(250 mm) of precipitation per year on average. Semi-desert, or semiarid,regions receive between 10 inches and 20 inches (500mm) of precipitationper year. It includes grasslands and steppes.

What is the definition of a semi accident?

A semi accident is a type of road collision involving a semi-trailer truck (also known as a tractor-trailer) and other vehicle(s). Depending on the severity of the incident, semi accidents can be fatal.

Are polymers are all synthetic?

Not all polymers are synthetic. Synthetic polymers are human-made. They can be classified into four main categories of thermoplastics, thermosets, elastomers and synthetic fibers. They are found mostly in items like money and super glue.

Is it true that polymers are all synthetic?

Not all polymers are synthetic. There are various polymers that are not synthetic, and have things added to them. Polymers come in various forms and degrees.

Is cellulose is an example of synthetic polymer?

Cellulose is an example of a polysaccharide. Think of cellulose asthe energy storage for plants whereas animals have a differentpolysaccharide.

What is the definition of semi-detached house?

A semi-detached house shares one wall with the neighboring house.In America, it's called a duplex.

Is glass a synthetic polymer?

While there are some polymer substitutes for glass, what wenormally refer to as glass is inorganic - primarily silicon dioxide(SiO 2 ) - and does not polymerize.