Piping Engineering Drawings and Documents

Piping Engineering Involves Referencing and Production of various Drawings and Documents. Reference documents are provided by other engineering departments such as Process, Mechanical etc. Deliverable Drawings and Documents are prepared by Piping Department.

Reference Input Drawings and Documents

From Process Department

1.      Process Flow Diagrams (PFD).

2.      Process Description.

3.      Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID).

4.      Process data sheets for Equipments.

5.      Line List.

From Instrumentation Department

1.      Instrument Hookup Drawings.

2.      Vendor Drawings for PSV, Control Valves, Flow Meters, Level Instruments, Pressure Instruments, Temperature Instruments etc.

3.      Cable Tray Drawings.

From Vessels/Mechanical Department

1.      Equipment Data Sheets for Vessels.

2.      Vendor Drawings for Vessels and Machines.

From Civil / Structural Engineering Department

1.      Structural Drawings.

Electrical Engineering

1.      Cable Tray Drawings.


Deliverable Documents and Drawings

1.      Plot Plan.

2.      Equipment Layouts.

3.      Isometric Drawings.

4.      Piping Layouts.

5.      Nozzle Orientation and Platforms Design Drawings.

6.      Stress Analysis Reports.

7.      Piping Material Specifications.

8.      Valve Data Sheets.

9.      Special Items List.

10.  Special Items Data Sheets.

11.  Stress Critical Line List.

12.  Support Register.

13.  Special Supports Drawings

14.  Piping MTO

15.  Support MTO

16.  Pipe Rack Loading.

17.  Technological Structures Loading.