Input Data Required for Plot Plan Development

All the important input information must be collected from various sources such as Client, Process Licensor, External Agencies, Government Database etc. so that a proper plot plan can be developed.

1.    Information about process Units.

2.    Utility Requirements of the Plant.

3.    Storage Tanks Requirements and Stored Fluids.

4.    Capacity and type of LPG Storage Tanks Sizes, Pressure and Temperatures of Pressurized Storage Vessels.

5.    Product receipt / despatch and mode of transport (rail, road and pipeline).

6.    Warehouses, storage areas for solid products such as petroleum coke, petroleum wax, sulfur, bitumen / asphalt etc and other open storage areas like scrap yards and dumping ground.

7.    Requirement of Chemical / Toxic Storage.

8.    Hazardous Waste Storage and Disposal.

9.    Flares.

10. Service Buildings, Fire Station and Fire Training Ground.

11. Meteorological Data.

12. Bathymetric data (high tide level, surge wave height etc.) for installations in coastal areas.

13. Seismic Data.

14. Highest flood level in the area, water table, natural streams/canals.

15. Approach roads to main plant areas.

16. Aviation Rules and Regulations, Height Considerations.

17. Dangers posed to and posed by adjacent facility, in an industrial complex.

18. Consideration for the local environment.

19. Statutory Obligations of the local governing body.