In the process of illustrating the primary functions of a reservoir engineer, namely, the estimation of hydrocarbons in place, the calculation of a recovery factor and the attachment of a time scale to the recovery; this chapter introduces many of the fundamental concepts in reservoir engineering. The description of the calculation of oil in place concentrates largely on the determination of fluid pressure regimes and the problem of locating fluid contacts in the reservoir. Primary recovery is described in general terms by considering the significance of the isothermal compressibilities of the reservoir fluids; while the determination of the recovery factor and attachment of a time scale are illustrated by describing volumetric gas reservoir engineering. The chapter finishes with a brief quantitative account of the phase behaviour of multi-component hydrocarbon systems.


Consider a reservoir which is initially filled with liquid oil. The oil volume in the reservoir (oil in place) is

The product Vφ is called the pore volume (PV) and is the total volume in the reservoir which can be occupied by fluids. Similarly, the product Vφ (1−Swc) is called the hydrocarbon pore volume (HCPV) and is the total reservoir volume which can be filled with hydrocarbons either oil, gas or both. The existence of the connate water saturation, which is normally 10−25% (PV), is an example of a natural phenomenon which is fundamental to the flow of fluids in porous media. That is, that when one fluid displaces another in a porous medium, the displaced fluid saturation can never be reduced to zero.

This applies provided that the fluids are immiscible (do not mix) which implies that there is a finite surface tension at the interface between them. Thus oil, which is generated in deep source rock, on migrating into a water filled reservoir trap displaces some, but not all, of the water, resulting in the presence of a connate water saturation. Since the water is immobile its only influence in reservoir engineering calculations is to reduce the reservoir volume which can be occupied by hydrocarbons.

The oil volume calculated using equ. (1.1) is expressed as a reservoir volume. Since all oils, at the high prevailing pressures and temperatures in reservoirs, contain different amounts of dissolved gas per unit volume, it is more meaningful to express oil volumes at stock tank (surface) conditions, at which the oil and gas will have separated. Thus the stock tank oil initially in place is

and the problem is to determine the level at which the oil water contact (OWC) is to be located. Measurement of the enclosed reservoir rock volume above this level will then give the net bulk volume V. For the situation depicted in fig. 1.1 (b) it would not be possible to determine this contact by inspection of logs run in the well since only the oil zone has been penetrated. Such a technique could be applied, however, if the OWC were somewhat higher in the reservoir.

The manner in which the oil water contact, or fluid contacts in general, can be located requires a knowledge of fluid pressure regimes in the reservoir which will be described in the following section.